Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

That sample photo that someone posted up there would be handy enough to mess around with and print off I’d say if a lad wanted to.

I can’t hide my disdain at the souptaking antics of lads who pride themselves on being hard men on the field of play. Then again, when you are a club that poaches players from all and sundry I suppose you have to expect they will take soup from the local baron. Some day you will have to admit that Batt was right all along.

The Tipp one was done in crayon on the inside of a cornflakes box


… and no mention of the most important member of the team. The woman who won them the All Ireland, Caroline Currid.


It is a naked cash grab. Very unseemly.


She’s on it just not in photo

Lord McManus would have been better off donating his foundations money to the players fund. This fundraising is becoming a bit of a fucking joke. I’d have no problem paying for the players and mentors but how many county board hangers on will be attached to the list of those going? Imagine giving good money to send the likes of Spike and Phelan on holidays? As the auld lads would say, ‘I’d like my job’.

I can see the county board employing a few lads like sky tv. Going around to the pubs to make sure all the framed photos are authentic.

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Bar they gave it away for free you’d have the same anti county board protagonists mouthing off about the price.

It’s always the same people. Miserable cunts.


I had fully intended buying one of these and was eagerly keeping an eye out for when they would be released. I was pissed off that the photo would be in front of Lord PJ’s Manor but was going to put that gripe aside for the sake of it. As a point of principle now there is no way I’m buying one as Lord McManus is front and centre on the team photo. Fuck that they can keep it. I’ll get one of the team on the day that was in the paper and frame it like @dodgy_keeper wisely did.


I’d say most would buy one for 200 quid. It should have been taken in the Gaelic grounds.

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It’s fairly obvious what’s happening here. McManus will buy 20000 of these on the QT then Bernie Hartigan will go down through the lickspittle Excel sheet and send them out to each house. It will then be announced that Limerick Gaa pays it’s own way, yadda yadda yadda.

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Of course it should have been I doubt Tipp had theirs taken outside a Skoda dealership or Kilkenny outside some co-op


It shouldn’t be €300 either but that’s not the main thing wrong here. I honestly hope they don’t sell 20 of them


Rumour has it the Galway lads had there’s outside Supermacs in Portumna last year. A collectors item by all accounts

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I’d say you’d be able to bet the word “SAMPLE” of the image they released with photoshop…

Exactly. When I make my billions I’ll go down the Bruce Wayne route nobody will be even sure I’m Alive but I’ll donate millions to charities and nobody will be none the wiser.

George Michael was the same.

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Just to summarize JP McManus has no business in the photo, it should not be taken in the adare manor; it should have been taken in the Gaelic grounds and 200 quid would have been plenty.


I’d love if there was a poor take up and they’d to reduce them to €150 to sell a few. If they knocked them down to a ton on Christmas week they’d flog thousands.

To be fair the event on Saturday night in HQ seems to have been a success going by the reaction.