Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

Which one :grinning:

The offshore one

The gaa already blocked it. So your man is only aloud use photos from outside the stadium

He’d be as well off wiping his hole with it.

The noisy bastard

Do you not think that’s the plan all along? The peasants then will think they are getting one over the big wigs and they will fly out the door.

Which one ?

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If you could airbrush PJ and De Big House out of it Batt My Lad will buy ten of them.

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There’s war ‘over’ on Facebook :rofl:

Send us a screen shot please

I’m not on FB mate — I’m paraphrasing Very sad article

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Financial doping won the All Ireland for Limerick.


Long may it continue.


Rent free

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Shur didnt it do the same for Galway and Dublin are surfing a tide of it. God help the small fish.

10 - 15M, by God.

“This management team are not answerable to the County Board.”

Here’s to the Big House :clap:

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Poor old Waterford havent even a home ground … They were cleaned out by Davy and his 40 man backroom team and then didnt some one else make off with over 100k? … it must be tough watching on all the same.

Only for Jedward they’d be bankrupt


Where did you pull 10-15m from?

Martin Kiely hasn’t a scooby doo what’s going on anyway - No one in Limerick GAA circles talks to him.