Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

Is that @Rocko and @larry_duff?

It’s “I’d know Ciaran fairly well” and “I’d be good friends with his son Barry.”

I’d say @Bandage doesn’t know Ciaran or Barry, the lying bastard.

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The brother would have been an even better friend only for the drink.

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They’d be great hurling people .

Ciaran’s son any good? Some job trying to live up to your aul fella.

Think i saw his name as a sub on the match programme the weekend.

Steady on Judas, you on the coke early today? :laughing:

Any throw in time confirmed yet?

Have a stag the day before. :disappointed_relieved:


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I’ll hardly be back in time. Or in a fit state.

That is a disgraceful article. We all know it but printing that shite.
Kiely is a prize simpleton.

**It will now take eight to nine games to win the championship and unless you have a sponsor that can make things happen then it will be very difficult. **
Of course you need to have a player base

In the same interview in the Irish Examiner he said, “This management team are not answerable to the County Board.”
_ You could read what you like into that comment but either way it showed he was his own man_ “

Finance was a major part but he brought much more to the table than that. JP McManus is really well versed in all aspects of Limerick GAA. He knows the mood and temperature on the ground at all times. Winning the All Ireland title was just reward for the vast efforts he made to try and get Limerick GAA in the right direction.

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Kiely giving the 2 fingers to Club Trainers & Volunteers throughout Co Limerick Gaa clubs.

PJ didn’t train those lads of a Saturday morning & take them to U8 games.


I love how you took the time to go back and put it in italics :popcorn:

Had to highlight it. What the fuck was he thinking?

Co Board officials won’t like it one bit either.

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Fair play to you for highlighting it mate

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What a useless cunt - couldn’t get his own bit of breakfast rather than dragging his mother home to rustle up something.
Upon further consideration Mammy knew the score (all Mammys do). Imagine the headline on Monday’s paper should Limerick have been defeated:

Shock as Limerick ace drops frying pan on foot cooking rashers…


That’s the way it’s gone now.

I’ve never met Kiely but a friend of mine knows him quite well. My friend would be heavily involved in his own club and has refereed in the past and his passion for the GAA is unbelievable. This man has told me that he has discussed Lord McManus on many occasions with Kiely and that he hasn’t had many positive things to say about the Lord in the past and how his money has put the wrong people in charge. The same man is a life long friend of John Kiely and says that John would take direction and influence from no-one unless it was asked for. But Martin can’t resist a decent dig at the County Board with whom he has many spats in the past especially with the failed salesman, Spike. Martin is indeed a prize simpleton.

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Didn’t McManus take the cup off the 21s the night after they won it in 2016? So Byrnes didn’t get to bring it back to the well.

Bad form of the manager to allow that. Who was manager of that Limerick team incidentally?

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