Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

The only fella that mentioned kiely being involved was @Breaking_my_balls I can’t remember who detailed that the cup didn’t go back to Pwell the Monday night or whenever it went to some function at Jps. I very much doubt kiely was involved in snatching the cup.

@Breaking_my_balls is a true company man. He’s sent onto the INTERNET to extinguish fires and spread the official message of the big house. If he was a politician he’d be Noel Rock.




it’s not a cup

He’s the county boards Jack Russell.

the county board needs jack russels to flush out the rats.



@Breaking_my_balls is still seething I broke rank. I honestly wish I’d done it a week earlier. He can’t even enjoy us winning the all Ireland he’s so sickened over it.


I think you are self-aggrandizing just a smidge.

It’s remarkable how many limerick fans on here thought we’d lose and had to hide their thoughts on the game in a private group for fear of them being thrown back in their faces if they lost. Hopefully next year lads will be more confident.


let it go. It’s clear it’s ateing you up with guilt.

You were the odd man out the only poster who had to bring club talk into it and proceeded to throw the toys from the pram.

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Better to walk alone in the right direction than walk together in the wrong one. I was accused by glas that I wouldn’t support certain players if they came on. I didn’t want to be part of that group and that sort of thing. We can analysis and reflect after the games and debate but any fella not fully behind the players during the game is somebody I want nothing to do with.


It was nothing to do with that and well you know it. It was a space to avoid the voyeurs and hangers on and it drove them demented.


I think a lot of the older brigade didn’t have belief in the team. Possibly being hurt over so many years and after so many false dawns they
Were afraid to believe I’m not so sure.

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That’s your take on it and your entitled to it … But you then outed all of the Limerick supporters here when you could have just done your own thing and said nothing. It’s a shame you’ll have to live with for the rest of your e-life. You turned on your own and hung them out just to appease the Tipp and Cork lads.


None of the limerick lads backed me up after glas’s accusations. I didn’t really think anybody cared what I done or didn’t do. It was time for me to move on.

He ran @anon61956325 off the forum and @anon78624367 got very worried about his small kids and said he’d run too. Some Internetting from @anon32894817


Does @anon78624367 have kids?

He said he was leaving the Internet to save them.

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I missed that. I didn’t know he was a father.