Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

I read that and I started to believeā€¦I thought - We are Limerick, we can do these bastards,ā€¦ hā€™on Teegeā€¦ hā€™on the ladsā€¦ then I laughed really hard at my self and came back to my original summation, Tipp x 12.

Tipp are flying , they have fellas going around training in Limerick jersies and they are flaking the shit outta them.

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Limerick have a plan they might just have this one IF IF it works

Whatā€™s the plan Joe? Is it a cunning one??

There going to try out run tipp.

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They know they cant beat them hurling wise , but they can out run them


Running is very much part of hurling, Joe.

We will stand our ground.

Ye cant stand ye ground sunday i think ye need to avoid that. Move the ball quick. Numbers on jersey do not matter


Whatā€™s he doing Joe, youā€™re being a bit cryptic, is he gonna pick a load of young lads because they can run faster and longer than the 25 year olds?

Pretty much.

We will stand our ground we never feared tipp

Did Justin McCarthy have any thoughts on the current Limerick set up or was it the elephant in the room during your Sunday afternoon chinwag?

He just laughed and I left it at that. :cry:

Smiley McCarthy the fucking cunt. And youā€™re some quisling to be drinking with him.

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Did he offer to customise your hurley for ya, or invite you up to the ball alley? Great hurling man is Justin, pity the game is gone the way it is and heā€™s been chucked to the kerb.

We were at the same social functionā€¦ Iā€™m a gent as is Justinā€¦ I wouldnā€™t expect you to understand.

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yea but if their dragged into a hurling game their fucked it might do for sunday