Limerick GAA - We get knocked down šŸ

Very disappointing day for the minors. Never got going at all. Better team won. After beating Cork - fortuitously - the season really fizzled out.

Iā€™m more annoyed by Daly immediately jogging off to another media gig in the aftermath of the game rather than the result itself. As far as Iā€™m concerned it speaks volumes about his commitment to us.

What is the problem?

I donā€™t see why he canā€™t do a job and do another job dodgy. Whatā€™s he going to do for them after the game, coach them more?

You are coach to a team that just has been knocked out of the championship. Year is over. Surely youā€™d be a bit gutted, disappointed and in no form for talking shite to Paraic Lodge for the next hour and a half?

The rest of the squad heads on the bus back home and he decides to do his own thingā€¦?

Would you prefer if he went home and cried? Donā€™t be silly dodgy.

Typical GGA attitude. Itā€™s over. Got beaten. Life moves on. Feigning disappointment is a massive thing in the GAA. Most players happy that shit is over and they can head to the states or whatever. But at least they looked disappointed when they get beaten.

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I think we all know the answer that that one.

he went to work

should he have rang in sick, feigned a broken heart?

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Unlimited Heartbreak. :smile:


Donā€™t agree Dodgy talk to the players and other people around the panel. Daly has been very good and very impressive. Leo is clean useless. The media stuff doesnā€™t bother me. Daly is high profile and will always be involved in the media.

Jerry Wallace is one of the best hurling coaches in Ireland and it was ridiculous the way he was treated. His trainingā€™s out in UL over the previous two years were excellent for all the age groups. He improved so many of the current senior players in 2011 too. A disaster we got rid of him.

The Seniors had a serious hangover from Kilkenny game last year just like in 08 when we never got going but people need to stop moaning and groan about the minors. They were a decent bunch and 3 or 4 of them will be good enough for senior but that is about it. This is 5/6th year in a row our minor team has been competitive. Things are going right at underage level but we badly need to clean our act up at senior level.


The very money that has proven worthless to Limerick in all the years that he has been throwing it in there. He should have been told a long time ago to fuck the fuck away with his money. All it has done is put the Liberties cunts in charge of everything. I can think of no-one in the CB who is worthy of their place there and every single one of them kow tow to the PJ McManus cult mentality.

What we need is a group of men, and maybe some women, who would be there for all the right reasons. Then and only then will Limerick rise as a GAA force to be reckoned with.

We all heard Donal Ɠg rant last night and he could have been talking about Limerick just as easily as Cork. Both counties have had player strikes which have done nothing for the games in their counties and the shoneens that were in charge during the strike are by and large still there. The stooges in Limerick are made up of the clubs who have allowed the farcical situation to continue for far too long. Change will never happen Iā€™m afraid. Iā€™m around a long time now and I really thought it would have happened long ago but I now despair. We are fucked as a county and we only have ourselves to blame.


You should send that into the Leader
Great post

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@limerikleader. @jeromeoconnell. @Liam_Flag

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I ve written to leader a couple of times, especially during the debacle of 2010. In fairness they were all published
Planning on sending another rasper when all our teams have no imtetest left in this years championship

Well done, mate. Thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s required. A strongly worded letter.


Fuck you. At least I ll put it out there to the cunts and not cower behind an alias hoping maybe it might get picked up

Youā€™re a simpleton. I canā€™t imagine you having anything of merit to say, mate.

Yea well like I said, fuck off and keep writing your shite under your alias because youre to cowardly to bring it out in the open, ya yellabelly wanker

Post up a screenshot of your letter when it gets published in the leader, mate. Will you allow yourself a lollipop that day?