Limerick GAA - We get knocked down šŸ

I will while youre still firing potshots on this site because you havent the balls to do it anywhere else. You can lick my lollipop then

No one reads the fucking leader.

The leader is good, the leader is great.

Hate to break it to you like this, mate. But getting a letter published in the leader isnā€™t making a difference. Enjoy the feeling of satisfaction though.

Jesus it took you a full five minutes to think of that one. Did you have to ring someone to come up with that?

The leader is a hape of shite pal, but in their defence print media is fucked across the board and their decline is on a par with the rest, just the starting point was lower.

Nana nana nana nana Leaderā€¦


Back page man is some bollix, or Page 8 man or whatever he has changed to. A proper fucking ape.


Well you know maybe thats the differnce. I guarantee if Kilkenny had the same shite as we have to put up with, I guarantee you you would have A) letters to the Kilkenny people and B) probably phone ins to Sue Nunn

I remember when we bet them in the 97 league semi, all fucking hell broke loose. Look whats happened since

Ask the lads in Foynes about that clown. They still havenā€™t recovered.

Yes, after 1997 they fired Nickey and hired Kevin Fennelly. Hardly a game changer.

write your letter if you wish kid, this bandage fucker was abusing shane lowry on twitter recently calling him a fat bastard and so on until lowry retweeted it leaving bandage red faced and scurrying off to delete his twitter account as low and behold it turned out bandos employer was a big sponsor of the fat fucker, gas times.
write the letter it will make you feel better and fair fucks to you if thats your thing


He is an extraordinarily lazy journalist who most of the time doesnā€™t even watch Limerick games that he writes about, due to his ā€œnational broadcasting dutiesā€. Every year he chips in with the same old tales of how Tipp and KK are flying it in training, he could be a member here who re-hashes the GAA cliches thread.


Still got to three AIFs in a row. Considering they hadnt been there since 93 progress was made

Thats the prayer they say at the start of every CB executive meeting, apparently. :kissing_heart:

His last article was typical of the shit he goes on with. His pandering to Martinstown clouds every article because he is just another souptaker. He would be far more effective if he didnā€™t take part in the PJ cult but he, like a lot of them, thinks PJ will look after him in the future.

Right, roll call for Thursday night. Signing in. Ticket picked up tonight.

Team named - one change from the last night. Colin Ryan starts for the injured Kevin Oā€™Brien. ALTC named in the subs.

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Finishing up work at 4. 2hrs from Ballyragget to Ennis. Friday booked off. What can go wrong???

The usual.

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Will be coming down from Galway and heading back up :yum: