Limerick GAA - We get knocked down 🐐

My auld lad had to pop into a funeral in Limerick city yesterday at 5.30. We didn’t pass Bunratty till nearly 6 I’d say but we were in the terrace at 6.25.
Sailed out afterwards too but we did hang around on the pitch for a good while. Parked on the Kilrush Road and avoided the areas around Flannans and the train station. Worked out perfectly.

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Very poor Limerick crowd alright.

The few who did go gave it the big 'un at full time!

The fucking cunts that didn’t go shouldn’t be let near a game again. Fucking bandwagoning GAA cunts would sicken you.

Probably the same die hards that follow the footballers. Great gaels.

They’ll be all out for the All Ireland in September, the bandwagon cunts. .

I didn’t go

How the fuck are they “staunch” then?

If they were staunch they would have been there come hell or high water. Time these fickle, bandwagoning cunts were run out of Limerick GAA


Well by staunch I meant that they attend 90%+ of league games, senior championship, minor, u21 and club games. But staunch may have been the wrong word — What do you call someone who only misses one or two games a year from all codes?

A Dodgy Keeper


How’s the groin, kid?

Trained last night, started acting up half way through but struggled on through the session.
Put some anti-inflam gel on it last night and it’s actually fairly ok today.

Lacking commitment.

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Could you not miss the odd training session?? Anyway, avoid stretching it – stretch around it… and get some fucking needling done!!

Report card reads - Room for improvement.

I’ll be grand bud. No fear of me.

I hope so. You’re too young to retire.

That was a fantastic win Byrnes is a serious wing back he has it all for me,Lynch 1 and 2 were on top form the Doonettes were on song their workrate is unreal,Colin.Ryan caused his marker a world of trouble must have won 3 frees alone in the second half.The Galway game is huge we know whats coming these cunts have ambushes perfected at AI semi stages as we learned in.2011I genuinely believe that’s the hard one as to me Wexford are very flaky and reliant on McDonald,they beat a woeful Kilkenny team who were poxed to beat Dublin and the pressure is all on them to deliver after losing out last 2 years.

D Brynes is good but extremely wasteful in possession. Criminal at times.

@ChocolateMice is that John Flavin?

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Wexford hammered the fuck out of a woeful Kilkenny team.

Is that @Joe_Player’s good friend with the glasses?

The match is up if you want to see that shoulder again…