Limerick v Kilkenny - All Ireland Final 2022 - The Hego final

Gearoid clutch Hegarty.

Yeah, we’ll come back tonye when we have 36. Like Marty Whelan said to the Ukrainian broadcaster when they won the Eurovision. "Come back to us when ye have seven "


It’s amazing more lads aren’t slapping the ball off the ground into their hands in All Ireland finals before this if it was so handy to do.

Maybe it just never occurred to them to do so. Given it’s so handy and all to do.



Ah lovely, I hope that happened

A fairly straightforward skill also. Any decent junior hurler worth his salt should be able to do that with ease

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Dry your eyes kid

That fella is the shrewdest judge of hurling on this forum. He predicted Kilkenny would beat us by 12 points.

Himself and the fella with the hawker’s stall are in need of a therapeutic intervention since.

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He must have thought it was Limerick 2007 that were turning up.


Id say alot of counties are looking at The Limericks full back line and licking their lips.

Not all theyre cracked up to be,lads.
Not by a long shot.

Limerick 2007 are semi finalists minimum in the modern era! After already being finalists obviously

If you put Ollie Moran, Damien Reale and Peter Lawlor into this Cork team theyd be big contenders.

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And Nicky isnt great either.
Great distribution but Id have no confidence in his shot stopping.
Not great now to be straight.

Anyway,Enjoy the celebrations.Richly deserved and best of luck on the 4 in a row.

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See you next year John, mind yourself.


A very average team.


Lovely rivalry between Limerick and Kilkenny since 2017, 2 wins apiece now.

17 Qualifier: KK 20 pts to 17
18 AIQF: Lmk 27 pts to 1-22
19 AISF: KK 1-21 to 2-17
22 AIF: Lmk 1-31 to 2-26

Have to say the Kilkenny supporters ive encountered both online and on match day have been nothing but good natured before and after all games too, hopefully another meeting next year as there is always an electric atmosphere.


Agreed. Great folk. They were gracious as ever on Sunday


Kilkenny 2007 v Limerick 2022 would be a interesting contest

The pick of both teams for me:

Ryan v Quaid = Quaid
Kavanagh v Finn = Finn
Hickey v Casey = Hickey
Tyrell v Nash = Tyrell
Walsh v Byrnes = Walsh
Hogan v Hannon = Hannon
Delaney v Morrisey = Delaney
O’ Donoghue + O’ Donovan v Fitzpatrick + Lyng = O’ Donoghue + Lyng (the toughest decision of them all but I went with 2 powerhouses)
O’ Dwyer v Hegarty = Hegarty (I know Willie from my childhood, a great club hurler but he did some job to get into this team in fairness to him)
Comerford v Hayes = Hayes
Larkin v Morrisey = Larkin
Brennan v Mulcahy = Brennan
Shefflin v Flanagan = Shefflin
Fogarty v Gillane = Gillane

So 7 Limerick and 8 Kilkenny. Amazing that Byrnes would lose out but he’s up against all time greats in Walsh & Delaney at half back.

Lynch would obviously make it in there if fit but probably at the expense of WOD or Hayes

All thoughts and criticisms welcomed


I think all the hurling counties will feel that they’ll have a chance next year, it’ll take a big step for all of them but the apparent invincibility of the champs isn’t what it was, not sure if they’ve come back to the pack or vice versa, they’ll have it all to do next year, hopefully it’ll be a great championship, it’s a long wait


From your own words not even a week ago:

All this auld sham talk of “licking their lips” and “righting a wrong from '19” is pure waffle.

Pure waffle indeed