Limerick v Kilkenny - All Ireland Final 2022 - The Hego final

Over the five years or so kiely has been in charge there’s been a few season Enders tbf.

P Casey has gotten no real luck. Mike Casey and English missed season. Lynch and Kyle picked up injuries this year but I’d say we’ve done ok and that’s a reflection of the various s and c guys. Couple of guys around the squad have gotten injured too like Jerome Boylan and a few others. Dowling had to retire as well.

I’d also the say the break in 2020 for a couple of months and then the seriously reduced schedule in 2020 and 2021 has been a huge blessing. It surely gave Everyone a huge chance to recharge their batteries and allow various niggly injuries clear up. These Limerick players have played a lot less hurling than would have been the case if it was not for avoid

Listening to Johnny Hanbury talked about the injuries and knocks in 2018 was eye opening.

That’s a bit of a reach!

It’s in no way a reach. Limerick GAA is glorifying a fascist terrorist. That’s not a good look, especially in place which has a notorious history of being anti-Jewish.

We had serious problems this year, for whatever reason.

There was one match where we didn’t have enough players to fill a matchday squad, and we were calling up 6/7 fellas to make up the numbers for training matches.

Need to address that next year.

Peter Casey, Barry Murphy & Brian O’Grady have all done their cruciates in the past 12 months.

Jerome Boylan, Mark Quinlan, Rory Duff, Cian Lynch, Darren O’Connell all basically had their seasons ended by pretty bad injuries.

Then you have the niggly ones that every team gets- no way Kyle or Gillane should have played last Sunday in reality, but you make the extra push for an AI final.


Well there’s a common theme that nap players have been hit the hardest and they almost certainly have had the toughest campaigns given how many times they went deep into the club championship over the last few years.

Also its unsurprising that this year there was more injuries as it’s back to a normal schedule with so many games in a short space of time.

Didn’t mikey kiely or whoever he’s called leave last year so it’s possible a switch in S and C coaches had some sort of impact but that’s speculation on my part.

@caoimhaoin always maintained injuries weren’t down to bad luck and I’d say he was a 100 percent correct. It’s down to bad preparation/scheduling.

Right you cant find nor can anyone find a way to beat the limericks so youve thrown the toulys out of the pram and declared everything is right wing.

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I was just listening to Limk Live 95 and this topic doesn’t come up because NOBODY GIVES A FUCK except some bitter selective memory loyalists who can fuck off.


Wasn’t their a foreign chap training Galway and then tipp? He had a foreign sounding name anyway.

Both those counties seem to get an awful lot of injuries and a lot of players washed up in the last 20s / early 30s.

Is he still on the scene?

Oh I 100% agree.

A contact injury can have elements of bad luck, a broken bone or whatever. But soft tissue injuries definitely can be prevented and definitely isn’t bad luck. Something Limerick definitely have to look at for next season, I don’t think you should ever get to a situation where you can’t fill a matchday panel when you have 37+ players involved.

Are you denying Sean South was a fascist?

That’s the problem. You lot don’t give a fuck. But you pretend to give a fuck when Loyalists make fun of Michaela Harte’s death. But you don’t. Because you’re the same as them, the other side of the same shitty coin of sectarianism and hatred.

Glad we agree

There are Protestants involved with Limerick GAA

Youse lot seem intent on driving them out.

What has Combat 18 all riled up?

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You are thinking of Sean Sabhat, he was a facist from Henry street. The song is about a fictional character, Sean South from Garryowen


You don’t see any difference in a song about a young girl recently murdered and a song about a fascist as you called him being killed 80 years ago?

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Sean South never existed.

Not much. One makes fun of a murder victim, the other glorifies a fascist terrorist and raving anti-Semite who went out to murder.

What exactly makes one better than the other?