Limerick v Kilkenny - All Ireland Final 2022 - The Hego final

South was the equivalent of the Russians at Bucha.

The people singing the song don’t see it that way though, there’s no malicious intent.

The lads singing the song about Michaela Harte knew exactly what they were saying.


You can mention the “stickie” as many times as you like, but it doesn’t advance a point or an argument. In any way. It’s so far removed from reality it’s hilarious.


Why don’t you take this off the Limerick GAA thread and start trouble somewhere else you useless cunt


I don’t believe there’s much ignorance there. I think most people who sing the song know what South was, and they sing it anyway.

The claim that there is “no malicious intent” is neither here nor there. It’s the same sort of excuse the Trumpists and the Brexiteers and indeed Loyalism in general specialise in.

To claim that there is no malicious intent is in some ways the problem. Singing about a fascist terrorist has become completely normalised. That’s when you really have a problem, when this stuff becomes so ingrained that any pointing out of what the song celebrates meets with furious backlash, a refusal to see any problem with it. Nationalist delusion, wallowing in imagined perpetual virtue.

Of course the people who sing it don’t see a problem. That’s the problem. Others see the problem.

This isn’t the Limerick GAA thread. This is the All-Ireland hurling final thread. The Limerick GAA team were singing the song after winning the match which this thread is about. Where else would it be discussed?

You are practising cancel culture, which I thought all you lot claimed to hate?

This is where I’d stand also, 95% of Lumerick people have no idea who he was, probably think he’s a Bobby Sands or Terence McSwiney martyr figure, it says it in the song, up there with Plunkett Pearse and Tone like.

No harm educating sone people as to what he stood for but it’s a jaunty old song with some standout lines :man_shrugging:


The tune has about 8 entirely different sets of lyrics.
Not sure which the original ones are.
It’s a catchy tune alright.

Roddy McCorley maybe, the favourite song of Malachy McCourt incidentally

That was the first version I heard. Used sing it away to myself as a child. No idea about the lyrics or what they were on about.
True to the last
True to the last

I always thought it was the bridge at tuam (chume) as a young lad though.

If Limerick people are that attached to the tune, it can be rewritten with different lyrics entirely in a similar way to how the German national anthem was rewritten with the same tune following World War II.

Something like:

It was in a dreary Pairc Ui Chaoimh
As the shades of night came down
A lorry load of hurling men approached the new built ground
There were men from Limerick and from Cork
The Glen and Garryowen
Our leader’s name was Hannon
The South was Limerick owned

The lyrics admittedly need a bit of work, but that’s just a working idea.


Two men lay cold as stone
The was one from near the border (Darragh Fitz)
and one near the Blarney Stone (Coleman) :man_shrugging:


I wasn’t planning on going for pints today until I read this horse crap


Horse Outside should be the go to song for Limerick celebrations.

Humorous, but family friendly and inoffensive.

And a much better groove to it than Sean South.

Anybody bothered by the singing of Sean south is going out of their way to be bothered because they’ve nothing else to be doing with themselves.


This is a Limerick gaa thread not a song thread. I cant believe i have to say this twice in the space of 3 days of the almighty 3 in a row. Limerick GAAs greatest achievement so far

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We should all be bothered by the glorification of fascists.

Some Galway posters here, specifically the Galway Nazi Clique (GNC), have had questions to answer in that regard over the years but one thing I’ll say for them is don’t sing any songs glorifying Lord Haw Haw.

Limerick should take a leaf out of their book.

To quote someone else who would make an issue of that song. Don’t feed a crocodile ffs


It’ll be a sad day when threads here don’t go down random rabbit holes, don’t be so precious.
It’s not a Limerick GAA thread anyway, and the story has been discussed elsewhere