Limerick v Kilkenny - All Ireland Final 2022 - The Hego final

Let them take a corner like soccer, sideline cut job.

Only problem is TK will normalise scoring them

How about have them hit from the 65 but directly on the sideline, either left or right, depending on what side of the end line it went out on.

Maybe they should be on the far 65. I agree, it’s a harsh punishment these days as almost a guaranteed score.

Maybe refs should apply the rule of not balancing the ball on the bas before striking.
It should be a clean lift and strike.

Watch Patrick Horgan.Hes the worst at it.Its cheating in my opinion.


Very, very late to the party. Couple of things. The match analysis has been done to death but…

  • Congrats Limerick as I said to many I met at the final whistle and walking out. You’d be insulated from Limerick fans thru circumstance, but really pleasantly surprised about how decent they were about it all. Scary how comfortable and accustomed you can get to success but 90% I met wear it well.

  • I was walking up the North Circular at around 1pm naively thinking I’d get into the CP Hotel for quick brace and a coke for the little lady when this Limerick man around 45-55 decided to engage my daughter on her first AIF about the game in a lovely way and then proceeded to give her 3 euros to buy an ice cream. Beyond classy and warm. It’s been labelled the ‘Limerick blood money all week’ but she’ll remember it.

  • A GREAT team. Every kk person who’s followed our lads after 92/93 and onwards I think feels the same.

I’d an interesting seat, and maybe a poignant one the way things seem to be working out.


He obviously oozes class off the field too

I remember for a stretch there was huge focus on “fouling the ball” and it was being whipped everywhere from intercounty to u12. If I remember well enough it was Eoin Kelly from Tipp made headlines for stealing a bit of ground and the idea spread. I remember myself copying him and getting away with it sometimes, other times not. Funny how the punishment for the rule changed between refs too. Some refs were oblivious, some told you take it again. Some gave a throw ball, some gave a free the other way. But yeah it is never even questioned now. You’re right Hoggie is a hoor for it. Granted this year he was patchy enough but he has an awful free taking style for such a clinical free taker. He almost throws it up far too forward and then has to bring it back to let his body catch up before he hits it. Looks really awkward.

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“TJ very disappointed about match. TJ hope to go one better next year” - TJ Reid


David Herity’s in.

This is the rule. Nothing in it about what Kelly did and what Byrnes and Horgan do.

DJ Carey started all that craic, holding it on the hurl for ages. He was also a right lad for firing it forward on a penalty or free and hitting it on the 14 before Nash made a right joke of it.

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Yeah I’m not sure was it the ref at the time who just got pissed off or did someone on the Sunday Game mention it or what. Could be wrong but I definitely remember some incident with Eoin Kelly and frees anyway and whether it was directly linked or not but it being whipped all over the place. I distinctly remember even going to random club games and we all sussing out how the free taker was going about things.

It was a thing for a while alright. It was I thought supposed to be a clean lift and strike. But sure there isn’t a freetaker in the country does it anymore. You never see the roll lift anymore either do you? Bad for distance I guess

Nicky English was the first I remember seeing doing it. The 1988 aif when whole country was up for Galway, his fcuk acting used drive my auld man demented


Youre 100% right on DJ being the pioneer at it.
I wonder what @Malarkey opinion is on it.

When I was playing you wouldnt dare try that because it would get blown straight away and a free in the opposite direction.I think DJ got away with it because of who he was.

Its an interesting topic all the same.

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The roll-lift was for pitches in bad condition, I’d imagine the better surfaces is the main reason its not seen now.

There isn’t a day goes by that you don’t give out or have a dig at DJ Carey

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Same with us, once you highlighted it to a ref they’d blow it. But there’s never been anything in the rule against balancing the ball on the hurley

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Yeah and seems like the rule was never looked at. I suppose only until someone takes the piss like Nash did, it’ll never be changed.

Roll and lift was shocking unreliable with the thicker rims and pitches that were not in the best of nick. We quickly learned the hard way if the trainer hadn’t leathered us already for even thinking about it. Definitely a dying if not dead art though. Used see the odd throwback style looking club hurler in Cork do it but there can’t be any positives over the standard lift I’d imagine.