Limerick v Kilkenny - All Ireland Final 2022 - The Hego final

Sure we used to just rock up for the finals, pay cash at the Canal End and up on to the terrace.

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It’ll be a great day out for the likes of @iron_mike, who can’t rule lose either way on the outcome. It just doesn’t seem to have caught the imagination of the public at large or the neutrals though.

If it was just myself I wouldn’t be arsed heading up in that type of heat. I have a young fellow of 8 that’s mad keen to go to his first All Ireland Final, so I might not have a choice on the matter.

Will you go yourself?

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I won’t no.

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Bit of a downgrade on last year… didn’t you have your choice of premium tickets for hurling or football?

Arch Kilkenny supporter @ChairmanDan pretending not to be interested

Correct. I have 10 year premium tickets. I gave those to the brother in law who’s from Limerick. I expect to be tormented all week with fellows trying to offload tickets.

431 and 432 is ard chomhairle

The hammerthrowers from Limerick wouldn’t be exciting for the neutral hurling man.

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We’re in bother.

Spit it out then……

It’s all over Limerick GAA’s premier messenger service.

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Gary Kirby broke a finger

Hearing Cian Lynch is out for Sunday. Broken ankle

It aint broken but…

Any substance to talk that Aaron Gillane injured a knee playing tennis at weekend?

I woukdnt have thought so. Apparently loads of Limerick fans won’t chance it in the forecast heat

That’s not receiving even a fraction of the traction the Cian Lynch rumour is.

Did you pop over the border and do a survey?

Unfortunately yes.

Sure he was plsying a junior soccer match sunday evening. Load of BS if you ask me