Limerick v Kilkenny - All Ireland Final 2022 - The Hego final

I stand corrected.Thanks Malarkey.

Borrisoleigh as it turns out. No hatred for one crowd in particular.

To be fair, both of PK’s parents are from Cratloe. So he has strong Clare links. And he teaches – or used to teach, at least – in Shannon.

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A Glengar man surely wasn’t backing Limerick??

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Limerick are soft enough when it comes down to it, could barely beat useless Galway and Clare teams this year. Kilkenny will bring the pain and Limerick will fold like a cheap tent

I think this person, as strong a Tipperary supporter as I know, would certainly have backed Limerick against Kilkenny in the past. But the ‘three titles in four years/possible three in a row’ factor has caused a change. Plus quite a few Tipperary friends have said to me that they now find, especially since last year, the whole Limerick success thing deeply trying.


To be fair to Tipp lads, I have generally found them generous in our era of success.

I have relations down Kilkenny way and I think this is one both counties have been relishing. Passing us compliments has sat uncomfortably with them.

One of me oul’ fellas friends was (is) a fanatical Dublin football supporter, but an almost equally fanatical Kilkenny hurling supporter. Attends all Kilkenny matches in Dublin, treats Cody as a God, raves about good Kilkenny underage teams (kittens, as he calls them). He has no connection whatsoever to the county. Father from Dublin, mother from Tyrone.

A great trade unionist, hater of Rupert Murdoch, and fan of snooker and BDO darts as well.

Also an entirely different person to meself.


Honestly, Kilkenny have to be favourites. We haven’t played well all year, fell over the line most days. Ominous signs

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Is it Mick Lynch?


It is great to get there all the same, mate.

I think Mick is more of a Cork City man.

I like and admire this Limerick team, most ways round. The hurling they played today for the first ten minutes or so was sensational. Once again, Seán Finn delivered a masterclass in all the defensive arts. And his team toughed out a really difficult challenge.

Limerick will be strong favourites. I believe the markers are 1/3 versus 9/4, which seems about right. Probably three times out of four Limerick win this contest. Kilkenny supporters must hope the ball hops up into the fourth slot.

Good luck to Limerick supporters here for the next fortnight. Their team will probably win but our one is there and possesses a decent chance – if we hurl well and shoot few wides.


I think it’s much more 50:50. Ye have lads in form at the moment and there is a much better instinct to play it through the lines than before. The one thing I’ll say is there will be no illusions going into it and Limerick will 100% expect a battle. The talk going into today was whether Galway would keep it pucked out to us, which was ridiculous.

They wouldn’t puck it out to us at all the fuckers


Dont be trying that auld shite with the masters.

Youre getting ahead of yoursef kid.

Hit their own men a lot. Very disappointing.

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There will be no ambush if KK win they’ll have earned it. Can’t help but feel this is the match every single player in the Limerick squad has been gunning for the last few years.
No excuses

Park at @Fran s gaff and gst the dart in

On balance and from what ive observed over the last few years,youre probably correct in your assertion.

However,what I noticed today was that Galway were so passive in their tackling on occasions in that match,I could barely believe my eyes.Look back on the first 10 minutes of that game today.It was like U-14s playing U-16s.

And when Galway started to hunt in packs and up the intensity,they got joy.

There maybe could be the key to beating them and no better outfit than our lads to do so.