Limerick v Kilkenny - All Ireland Final 2022 - The Hego final

Neutrals? The limericks have the trains and accomodation booked since the AIF last year sure

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I’d say Cody will more concerned with his half back line.

Richie Reid hss been getting a bit of an armchair ride and might be got at. Tom Morrissey usually comes alive on All Ireland day and that ape Hego will never be as bad as the last day.

Neutrals :joy:

On a standard September final I’d say 20k are neutrals. Prob be 5k come Sunday.

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Agree with this, can’t see why they would do anything else tbh. Should be a serious battle, Lawlor is one of the best in the business imo.


Cody won’t want lawlor away from the edge of the square ? Gillane was 14 in 2019.

10k plus on a normal year would be neutrals sure. You’d know that if you ever went to a game. Then 10k for the minors. KK bringing fuck all. It is what it is


All staying in Dublin? :joy:

It would be absolutely iconic if he played Little Richie at 11.

I could see him bamboozling those big Limerick fuckers around the middle.

Hammer the hammer. Lawlor is their best defender, come on a ton. He has to be on Gillane


Perhaps Richie Reid has actually been hurling well?

What he’s trying to say but can’t admit it is the Limericks will max out their support Stripeys and neutrals won’t but it will be the Limericks fault if it isn’t a sell out

It’s around that area alright. I thought it might be that swingers place.

We bring roughly the same amount every time for the last decade or so. We don’t have a huge population to start with.
My numbers may not be perfect but also 17 finals in 22 years will nicely filter out who really wants to be there and who is half heartedly going for the day out. Ye’re barely getting started with that process.

In a broader sense, giving the timing of the final in the new season format there’s plenty of lads away on holidays.

It not selling out wouldn’t surprise me.


There are plenty of people away on holidays at any time across July and August.

No Electric Picnic this weekend either.


A few years ago we would be like rabbits in the head lamps predicting a final.

I would love Butler to be on Gillane, game over!! Nice floaty deliveries and goal.

Ah nothing wrong with that either though

Limerick are predictable in their patterns of play,thats their Achilles heel and its potentially going to be their downfall.

And if some no mark like me,that wouldn’t know one end of a hurl from the other,can see that,then imagine what Cody is thinking and planning?
Lord Jayus,id say the man is not only licking his lips in anticipation but is probably drooling as well.