LITDFer Post-Restriction Meltdown Log Thread

You are one of the stupidest people in Ireland. Also, a laughable vulgarian. Everything in life, to you, is slavering after a personality alibi.

You were one of the clowns who laughed and sneered at the very idea of ‘variants’ when the topic first emerged. Now that a less virulent variant emerged, as is the grooved way with pandemics, and might guillotine this pandemic (might), you are all for variants.

I predicted, early doors, exactly what would transpire. Simply by the exercise of thought.

Make sure to send your children to Alex and Blackrock. They will need every advantage going, given the genetic disadvantage. Long odds against any of them getting into to Ivy League or Oxbridge. You cannot purchase brains.

But enjoy being a narcisstic fuckwit. It is all you have.

I think back a few months ago I dared to argue with you (even though I wouldn’t be that intelligent and don’t come from a great family) that possibly infection rates wouldn’t be the be all and end all as they might change the isolation rules and stop telling people to stay at home if they weren’t sick.


Keep taking the HRT Mr Poundshop Hemingway.


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Oh, keep enjoying being a fuckwit, someone who likely got a 2.2 in a UCD B Comm and whose only business talent is analingus. All you are, end of day, is a gofer.

But god bless your children, spancelled by nature and nurture alike.

I enjoy how much I upset the likes of you, nose pressed up against Harvard.

Case numbers


Hopefully this @Malarkey chap, some backwater spud hockey writer if I recall, will just apologize to @TheUlteriorMotive and use the magic words ‘I was wrong’ . It’s all there in the audit trail for crying out loud.

We can all move on then as his isn’t the only lidtf simpleton meltdown we want to read and although amusing to laugh at initially in a cringeworthy sense, the ‘wish you were a Harvard grad’ insult is some of the lamest shit I’ve read yet.

Admit you were wrong and fuck off.



He should apologise to Esteban too.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy 80% of current deaths in Poland are unvaccinated from an adult population of 65% vaccinated. I’m not waiting thirty minutes to post it on the other thread. Nor waiting an hour to reply here.

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You can believe that but they said the same up north and the proportion of vaccinated death figures turned out to be higher than the proportion of vaccinated population.

I think it just shows how fickle people like you are. Tell them something dubious and you swallow it completely without daring to challenge the veracity or likelihood of it.

Another personality alibi fuckwit, wrong all the way along.

‘I feel so right wing because nature and nurture made me obnoxious.’

I wonder who was the only person here to anticipate the implications of what came to be known as a ‘pingdemic’. Simply by the exercise of thought.

I wonder whether this obnoxious gobshite ever applied to Harvard.

He certainly got into Joe Duffy College.

I deal in data kid nothing else. The vaccines are freely available to everyone. If people decide not to take them that’s their choice and their problem if things go wrong.

These two lines, a short paragraph apart. Tfk gold. Peak @Malarkey. He put in the italics himself by the way…


You’re near 60 pal. Boasting about your undergraduate courses is embarrassing at this stage.

You’re a rural spinster aunt at a modern wedding.

Over scented, over dressed, over elaborate, unrefined.

Over and out.


You were an obnoxious right wing fuckwit at 22, after the B Comm, and you will be an obnoxious right wing fuckwit at 102. Genetics.

All you are is a rich man’s gofer. The walking equivalent of an umbrella, a jumped up ladeen from nowhere. Still, congratulations. You have made the most of yourself.

Snobbery based on money is the most amusing kind. The '‘traditional Irish Catholicism + Jordan Peterson + I have a 21 2 reg’ is vulgarianism taken to nth hilarious. But hey, you keep LIFE magazine and Brendan O’Connor going. Congratulations.

God bless the children. They have had an awful start. At least they will get an expensive education

He’s the 10th mist popular writer about the12th most popular sporting the 131st biggest country in the world


I will be stealing this IRL. “He went to the Joe Duffy School in John McGuirk College.”

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The vaccine has ended the pandemic in Ireland and other countries with high vaccine uptake. I think everyone recognises that.


We had a report of a herbertstown native dying in Poland a week back, covid cause and not vaxed

Are you going to address how wrong you were about case numbers being the most important metric or just stick to the insults?