LITDFer Post-Restriction Meltdown Log Thread

I think most people wouldn’t mind that. Usually January is dead until people get paid. Actually it could be like the builders holiday the first 2 week of August, January could be the hospitality holiday for the first couple of weeks of January.

Ireland’s Dec 20 surge happened because restrictions were lifted. The health system only coped because restrictions were reintroduced. Hindsight may prove that certain restrictions didn’t work but most rational people will judge how well a country did based on fatalities, not how many days little Johnny was off school. There were fuck ups but it’s a one in a century occurrence. You spent most of the pandemic ridiculing restrictions and the countries with the least number of fatalities. Now that the experts believe it is safe to open up you’re left ridiculing some random architect.


It became a proxy thread for the Covid thread because of the 30min rule.
Proof again that restrictions dont work


@tank ain’t no Tony…

@Rocko’s 30 minute rule will be the last remaining restriction at this point

No they didn’t.

Certainly not in relate to pubs and restaurants anyway.

They happened because it’s winter and people spend a lot of time indoors and visited each others households. Common sense and logic is an alien concept to you.

There has been some back channeling indicating that it’s @Bandage maintaining it.

The biggest meltdown so far has clearly been that freak @alf_stewart.

Its not over till that is gone.

I think the key thing with the OIUTFers and why I say it’s a cult is that INTERNET pile on element that has been very prominent in it throughout the pandemic. It’s very misogynistic. They really do love to mount pile ons on women.

Could be Orla Hegarty one day, Aoife McLysaght the next, Deepti Gurdasani or Devi Sridhar or whoever. The whole thing is very, very Trump like.

Stage 6 etc etc

You were not.

You said infection rates were the fundamental metric, kango , kango , blah

You were very, very wrong. We told you that.

Now you are fibbing.


She’d leave you soft after reading that

He was right 9 times out of 10. You were right the one time he was wrong, not out of any significant insight on your part mind. It thankfully appears to be coming to an end more suddenly than everyone thought.

Over and over it has been shown that;

  1. PCR testing and reporting is behind both the uplift in cases and also the fall in cases
  2. people react before the Government.

This was shown in Ireland in March 2020 (R fell below 1 pre full lockdown) and October 2020.

The real value in lockdowns is if they are early and you want to pursue suppression. The merits of that can be debated separately.

The effect of renewed restrictions is dubious at best. If you want to take a look at curves in places with minimal restrictions like a Floridia vs. one like a California you will see remarkably similar hospitalisation curves. Similarly inSweden we see similar quire remarkable rises and falls in hospitalisation rates.

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You’ve contradicted yourself here. You said our health system coped well with the biggest surge. The biggest surge was a result of lifting restrictions. The pressure on the health service easing was because of the reintroduction of restrictions so the restrictions did work in Ireland. To argue otherwise is just stubborn denial. You bring in Seeden again. They had multiple fatalities compared o their neighbours. Fatalities is how they’ll be judged, you may not like that but in a normal society that’s the reality. How many hours the local coffee shop was open is of little importance when compared to someone’s life. Not the case on TFK which is why your spin on things is so popular here.

giphy (8)

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The Office of National Statistics estimate the real infection rate on the mainland the week after Christmas was 500,000 a day

How many people will die because of this?

We’re all dead. This is purgatory.