Liverpool FC 2014/15

[QUOTE=ā€œChocolateMice, post: 1050114, member: 168ā€]Heā€™s a headless chicken. I detest him.

How are you anyway, pal? We havenā€™t had a natter in a while.[/QUOTE]
Iā€™m good buddy thanks. And yourself?

[QUOTE=ā€œChocolateMice, post: 1050114, member: 168ā€]Heā€™s a headless chicken. I detest him.

How are you anyway, pal? We havenā€™t had a natter in a while.[/QUOTE]
Good Ted and yourself, howā€™s the princess?


Itā€™s ok, Iā€™m fond of you both.

Liverpool have conceded a ridiculous amount of goals since Rodgers has taken over. 7 from set pieces in the league so far this season, that is more than Southamptonā€™s in total.

Many have said that 20m was wasted on Lovren during the summer. That is completely missing the issue. Defending isnā€™t so much about individuals, it is about organisation. Lovern isnā€™t a bad defender but it is clear that there is something inherently wrong with how Liverpool are coached to defend particularly at set pieces.

To return to Southampton I think they show that top defenders are not required to have a mean defence as long as the organisation is good. Rodgers and his staff have been bad for so long now that there is nothing to indicate that there will be an improvement which naturally makes you question the viability of the manager remaining in his position.

[QUOTE=ā€œfarmerinthecity, post: 1050198, member: 24ā€]Liverpool have conceded a ridiculous amount of goals since Rodgers has taken over. 7 from set pieces in the league so far this season, that is more than Southamptonā€™s in total.

Many have said that 20m was wasted on Lovren during the summer. That is completely missing the issue. Defending isnā€™t so much about individuals, it is about organisation. Lovern isnā€™t a bad defender but it is clear that there is something inherently wrong with how Liverpool are coached to defend particularly at set pieces.

To return to Southampton I think they show that top defenders are not required to have a mean defence as long as the organisation is good. Rodgers and his staff have been bad for so long now that there is nothing to indicate that there will be an improvement which naturally makes you question the viability of the manager remaining in his position.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. The fact that Rodgers hasnā€™t fixed his defensive issues at this stage speaks volumes about him as a coach.

Only for Suarez last season heā€™d be unemployed now.

[QUOTE=ā€œfarmerinthecity, post: 1050198, member: 24ā€]Liverpool have conceded a ridiculous amount of goals since Rodgers has taken over. 7 from set pieces in the league so far this season, that is more than Southamptonā€™s in total.

Many have said that 20m was wasted on Lovren during the summer. That is completely missing the issue. Defending isnā€™t so much about individuals, it is about organisation. Lovern isnā€™t a bad defender but it is clear that there is something inherently wrong with how Liverpool are coached to defend particularly at set pieces.

To return to Southampton I think they show that top defenders are not required to have a mean defence as long as the organisation is good. Rodgers and his staff have been bad for so long now that there is nothing to indicate that there will be an improvement which naturally makes you question the viability of the manager remaining in his position.[/QUOTE]

true enough but also lots of individual errors/brain farts from defenders

need to look at midfield too where Gerrard is not mobile enough anymore - I would give Can or Lucas a start there in a holding role to protect defence

[QUOTE=ā€œTheUlteriorMotive, post: 1050205, member: 2272ā€]true enough but also lots of individual errors/brain farts from defenders

need to look at midfield too where Gerrard is not mobile enough anymore - I would give Can or Lucas a start there in a holding role to protect defence[/QUOTE]

Any fool can see Gerard canā€™t play the role heā€™s asking, why the fuck canā€™t he see it.

was always going to be a test of B Rod to see if he could manage Gerrard out this season from first name on team sheet to impact sub at most. He failed to do it.

[QUOTE=ā€œJulio Geordio, post: 1050204, member: 332ā€]Agreed. The fact that Rodgers hasnā€™t fixed his defensive issues at this stage speaks volumes about him as a coach.

Only for Suarez last season heā€™d be unemployed now.[/QUOTE]

Probably. But donā€™t forget Sturridge as well. His absence towards the end of last season was huge, and that was with Suarez in the team. Of course his absence this season has been even greater.

Failed miserably.

Absolutely. Heā€™s been very unlucky in that sense, they were worth 60 goals a season, but he hasnā€™t replaced them at all.
I think Balotelli was worth a punt, though not at that price. Lambert fair enough but as a back up.

Bar Sterling and Sturridge there isnā€™t anyone youā€™d say is good enough really. There a few there who are adequate if playing alongside better players, but they need at least 5 players and all in key postions, goalkeeper, centre half, centre mid and upfront.

I donā€™t necessarily agree with those who say that Gerrard should be dropped. I think he is still technically our best player but he is getting on now. I have always said that Gerrard struggles with the nuts and bolts of positional play. @Rocko was querying why I called him Liverpoolā€™s best ever player when I make such a statement. I think many of the greats struggle with such issues. Many of the greats are given a free role to do what they want and not to be overburdened with holding positions and giving the team protection and balance. They are still capable of moments of pure brilliance which many of those who hold positions are not. I think Gerrard more than anyone in my memory of Liverpool players have given moments of brilliance.
Rodgers has established this position for him as the quarter back. It is understandable that he would do that given his legs slowing and his range of passing. But the quarter back also has to screen the defence which Gerrard isnā€™t capable of frankly. A role for him further up the pitch shouldnā€™t be ruled out.

[QUOTE=ā€œfarmerinthecity, post: 1050216, member: 24ā€]I donā€™t necessarily agree with those who say that Gerrard should be dropped. I think he is still technically our best player but he is getting on now. I have always said that Gerrard struggles with the nuts and bolts of positional play. @Rocko was querying why I called him Liverpoolā€™s best ever player when I make such a statement. I think many of the greats struggle with such issues. Many of the greats are given a free role to do what they want and not to be overburdened with holding positions and giving the team protection and balance. They are still capable of moments of pure brilliance which many of those who hold positions are not. I think Gerrard more than anyone in my memory of Liverpool players have given moments of brilliance.
Rodgers has established this position for him as the quarter back. It is understandable that he would do that given his legs slowing and his range of passing. But the quarter back also has to screen the defence which Gerrard isnā€™t capable of frankly. A role for him further up the pitch shouldnā€™t be ruled out.[/QUOTE]

With the absolute dross we have upfront he should have been at least tried in the fabled false nine position.

[QUOTE=ā€œJulio Geordio, post: 1050214, member: 332ā€]Absolutely. Heā€™s been very unlucky in that sense, they were worth 60 goals a season, but he hasnā€™t replaced them at all.
I think Balotelli was worth a punt, though not at that price. Lambert fair enough but as a back up.

Bar Sterling and Sturridge there isnā€™t anyone youā€™d say is good enough really. There a few there who are adequate if playing alongside better players, but they need at least 5 players and all in key postions, goalkeeper, centre half, centre mid and upfront.[/QUOTE]

At 16 million, Balotelli was for nothing really considering the market.

I donā€™t think it is worthwhile buying a new centre half or goalkeeper until the inherent issues with defensive organisation are addressed.

Central midfielder yes. Striker yes.

[QUOTE=ā€œfarmerinthecity, post: 1050221, member: 24ā€]At 16 million, Balotelli was for nothing really considering the market.

I donā€™t think it is worthwhile buying a new centre half or goalkeeper until the inherent issues with defensive organisation are addressed.

Central midfielder yes. Striker yes.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough on centre halves but Mignolet is gank.

I donā€™t think he is that bad. I mean its not a case that he committing howlers every week. Heā€™s not great though.

I just donā€™t want a case where we throw good money after bad and are in the same position. Whether Rodgers is able to sort out the defence I would have serious doubts.

[QUOTE=ā€œfarmerinthecity, post: 1050224, member: 24ā€]I donā€™t think he is that bad. I mean its not a case that he committing howlers every week. Heā€™s not great though.

I just donā€™t want a case where we throw good money after bad and are in the same position. Whether Rodgers is able to sort out the defence I would have serious doubts.[/QUOTE]

I think he is brutal.
IMO a lot of Liverpools weakness at set pieces comes from the fact that he is petrified when a high ball comes in.

[QUOTE=ā€œfarmerinthecity, post: 1050224, member: 24ā€]I donā€™t think he is that bad. I mean its not a case that he committing howlers every week. Heā€™s not great though.

I just donā€™t want a case where we throw good money after bad and are in the same position. Whether Rodgers is able to sort out the defence I would have serious doubts.[/QUOTE]

He is fucking shite.

[QUOTE=ā€œfarmerinthecity, post: 1050224, member: 24ā€]I donā€™t think he is that bad. I mean its not a case that he committing howlers every week. Heā€™s not great though.

I just donā€™t want a case where we throw good money after bad and are in the same position. Whether Rodgers is able to sort out the defence I would have serious doubts.[/QUOTE]
Ah Mignolet is fairly shit, farmer. The defence have no confidence in him. He is brutal at set pieces and lets a load of goals in that a very good keeper should be saving. See Palaceā€™s second on Sunday as a prime example.