Liverpool FC 2014/15

who cares, he plays for liverpool, what the fuck does it matter what the rest of the world thinks. Liverpool need to win the league first, worry about everything else next.

I couldn’t care what the rest of the world thinks.

My point is that he is still relatively unproven in the greater scheme of things - particulalry if one proposes to build a team around him.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 980193, member: 24”]I couldn’t care what the rest of the world thinks.

My point is that he is still relatively unproven in the greater scheme of things - particulalry if one proposes to build a team around him.[/QUOTE]
So you are thinking about potential targets and what they think of him?

Money talks with the majority of these cunts anyway, although of all clubs, I would suggest Liverpool may have an emotional tug for some players, like Barca and maybe even Celtic for 2nd tier foreign players…

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 980199, member: 273”]So you are thinking about potential targets and what they think of him?

Money talks with the majority of these cunts anyway, although of all clubs, I would suggest Liverpool may have an emotional tug for some players, like Barca and maybe even Celtic for 2nd tier foreign players…[/QUOTE]

No, I am thinking about whether Sturridge is good enough for the team to be built around him. He has done well for Liverpool so far undoubtely but it is not as if he has a record of being amongest the top scorers in the EPL in the last five seasons, is proven on the European stage or has made a big impact in an international tournament.

That may seem harsh but I think that if Liverpool are going to build a team around anyone (as Sturridge was suggested by @Mark Renton) they need to do it with a player with more pedigree. That is where they stand at present as they enter the Champions League this season.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 980206, member: 24”]No, I am thinking about whether Sturridge is good enough for the team to be built around him. He has done well for Liverpool so far undoubtely but it is not as if he has a record of being amongest the top scorers in the EPL in the last five seasons, is proven on the European stage or has made a big impact in an international tournament.

That may seem harsh but I think that if Liverpool are going to build a team around anyone (as Sturridge was suggested by @Mark Renton) they need to do it with a player with more pedigree. That is where they stand at present as they enter the Champions League this season.[/QUOTE]

Where would you place him level wise, pal? At 24 he is not even entering his peak yet- There was a bit of tongue and cheek about my post but I do think he has the potential to be all those things you questioned.

I would say he is still unproven with regard to being a top striker.

I think he has shown a lot of quality and promise but it will be interesting to see how he progresses this season in the Champions League and also without Suarez.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 980215, member: 24”]I would say he is still unproven with regard to being a top striker.

I think he has shown a lot of quality and promise but it will be interesting to see how he progresses this season in the Champions League and also without Suarez.[/QUOTE]

Questions were raised about whether he could cut it at a top club when he signed- Questions were raised about whether he could carry the team at the start of last season when Suarez was suspended. I think he will continue to answer these questions in the affirmative. I thought he was the only English player to come out of the world cup with credibility also.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 980206, member: 24”]No, I am thinking about whether Sturridge is good enough for the team to be built around him. He has done well for Liverpool so far undoubtely but it is not as if he has a record of being amongest the top scorers in the EPL in the last five seasons, is proven on the European stage or has made a big impact in an international tournament.

That may seem harsh but I think that if Liverpool are going to build a team around anyone (as Sturridge was suggested by @Mark Renton) they need to do it with a player with more pedigree. That is where they stand at present as they enter the Champions League this season.[/QUOTE]
I disagree in principal, but i’m not going to argue about Sturridge with you as you have seen alot more of him.
But superstars all start off somewhere and sometimes someone like him blossoms without a Suarez around. He might only missing a bit of the top 5% and Rodgers may only be a matter of time away from getting his potential unlocked.
I just think L’Pool have gone down the “seems like a decent play” foreigner too much in the past. Sometimes the future is staring at you right in the face. And also sometimes when you give someone the confidence of sayin, “we don’t need Suarez, we got you mate”, it can make a player. To be he seems a class act waiting to really move up a gear. But as i said, you will have a more rounded view.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 980224, member: 273”]I disagree in principal, but i’m not going to argue about Sturridge with you as you have seen alot more of him.
But superstars all start off somewhere and sometimes someone like him blossoms without a Suarez around. He might only missing a bit of the top 5% and Rodgers may only be a matter of time away from getting his potential unlocked.
I just think L’Pool have gone down the “seems like a decent play” foreigner too much in the past. Sometimes the future is staring at you right in the face. And also sometimes when you give someone the confidence of sayin, “we don’t need Suarez, we got you mate”, it can make a player. To be he seems a class act waiting to really move up a gear. But as i said, you will have a more rounded view.[/QUOTE]

Ah yeah - I can’t really argue with that. I suppose my issue is that on paper I am not sure if he could step up yet.

I take your point though.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 980224, member: 273”]I disagree in principal, but i’m not going to argue about Sturridge with you as you have seen alot more of him.
But superstars all start off somewhere and sometimes someone like him blossoms without a Suarez around. He might only missing a bit of the top 5% and Rodgers may only be a matter of time away from getting his potential unlocked.
I just think L’Pool have gone down the “seems like a decent play” foreigner too much in the past. Sometimes the future is staring at you right in the face. And also sometimes when you give someone the confidence of sayin, “we don’t need Suarez, we got you mate”, it can make a player. To be he seems a class act waiting to really move up a gear. But as i said, you will have a more rounded view.[/QUOTE]

Suarez’ record at 24 while playing in Holland was very average. There was some crazy stat about how he needed 7/8 chances to score one. Add a couple of years maturity and experience and the team built to his needs and you get a season like last year. Sturridge may not climb to the same heights or have the same natural talent, but he knows where the goals are and if the team is built to suit him he will be a regular 20+ a season striker.

and thats what matters. its all a bit topsy turvy with Messi and Ronaldo doing mental things every year, but a striker hitting 20, 3 seasons in a row is what most clubs cry out for. If he did that he’d be a stone cold legend in Liverpool. I like him anyway from what i have seen.

Suarez scored 80 goals in 110 matches for Ajax! That’s hardly average.

Also he was superb in World Cup 2010.

I think your assessment of Sturridge as ‘knowing where the goals are’ and ‘if the team is built to suit him’ lacks any real punch. Prior to Liverpool his goalscoring record was average. He has also never played in the Champions League and has not made much of an impression internationally.

I am not saying that he won’t go on to be a great Liverpool striker. I am just saying that, at the moment, his credibility is still questionable, particularly if you are going to tailor your entire team for him.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 980237, member: 24”]Suarez scored 80 goals in 110 matches for Ajax! That’s hardly average.

Also he was superb in World Cup 2010.

I think your assessment of Sturridge as ‘knowing where the goals are’ and ‘if the team is built to suit him’ lacks any real punch. Prior to Liverpool his goalscoring record was average. He has also never played in the Champions League and has not made much of an impression internationally.

I am not saying that he won’t go on to be a great Liverpool striker. I am just saying that, at the moment, his credibility is still questionable, particularly if you are going to tailor your entire team for him.[/QUOTE]

Sturridge was played out wide at both Chelsea and Man City and was never played centrally until Liverpool.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 980237, member: 24”]Suarez scored 80 goals in 110 matches for Ajax! That’s hardly average.

Also he was superb in World Cup 2010.

I think your assessment of Sturridge as ‘knowing where the goals are’ and ‘if the team is built to suit him’ lacks any real punch. Prior to Liverpool his goalscoring record was average. He has also never played in the Champions League and has not made much of an impression internationally.

I am not saying that he won’t go on to be a great Liverpool striker. I am just saying that, at the moment, his credibility is still questionable, particularly if you are going to tailor your entire team for him.[/QUOTE]
nobody builds teams around one player usually. even Madrid don’t. Going by the way Rodgers seems to act i doubt he’d be building it around one man.

Ffs sake Renton.

Sturridge played 21 times for City, most as sub, he didn’t hang around long enough to be played anywhere.

Also, @farmerinthecity - I only used Suarez loosely to show how a player can progress- Ajax in that league are hardly a like for like- but in his highest scoring season (32goals) he was having an average of 8 shots per game to one goal, which wasn’t his best season. His first season when he scored just 17 goals was his best, scoring with every 6.4 shots. In England he was only getting 4/5 shots per game, the same as most strikers- The reason his record seemed so great in Holland was due to the amount of shots per game he was getting. He didn’t truely become a prolific striker until the last two seasons just gone.


[QUOTE=“Horsebox, post: 980015, member: 1537”]Oh yeah forgot about him:oops:. Thought he was more a squad player though? He should be fresh enough after the world cup anyway.

@chewy louie is Origi not going straight back out on loan? Borini is fairly shit to be fair.[/QUOTE]
Origi is going to Lille on loan

Despite plundering 31 goals, winning both the PFA and LMA Player of the Season gongs alongside a double award at Liverpool’s own end of campaign ceremony, the stats say the Anfield side are more successful without Suarez.
Liverpool have a win ratio of 64% when he is not in the team compared to 50% when he plays.
Ajax too fared better when he was out of their team, with winning 70% of their games compared to the 61% when he was in the side.