Liverpool FC 2015/2016

Good pal & yourself?

Liverpool were poor in the second half the other night.

Rodgers for Celtic!

True, they were almost overrun. But they didn’t lose.

Has he? Flesh that out there, mate.

He has bought around 30 players for 300 million pounds in 3 years. Buying guys like Mario is insane. 45 million for Loveren and Lallana. Aspas and Alberto for 15 million.

What has Rodgers got to do with any of them? Particularly Mario??

He signed them mate.

He didn’t sign half of them, pal. Mario wasn’t his signing and half of the lads bought were not his signings either, that has been a major problem.

Fuck off and finish your thesis. Cunt.

He had the final say though. Yay or nay. He could have pulled the plug if he wanted to. I think his signings this season have been excellent tbf.



Not really. Liverpool have/had what’s called a ‘transfer committee’ - Mario was nothing to do with B-rod.

He did alright with Luis Suarez, didn’t he?

Suarez doesn’t have an ego, he’s a consummate professional who plays on the edge.

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Gerrard spoke pretty highly of him as well.

Upload it there and we’ll critique it, mate.

Not up yet, mate… got to sit the viva first. All in good time.

Get out of here, you plick.

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You’ve the stuff to do it, bud. Give em hell.

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Show me a man who doesn’t have an ego and I’ll show you somebody who isn’t a man.