Liverpool FC 2016/17/ Mousey's stag in Tipp town

If they get in to Champions League next year then there’ll be a lot more games. If lads are goosed by the start of January with so few games played then what will they be like next year. Pro footballers in their mid 20s shouldn’t be calfing have way into the season.

Liverpool’s last 15 games have been played across 59 days. The next 15 will be played across 102 days… no excuses not to win the league now.

If only we had 90m worth of players to bring on as subs.

The 2 subs Liverpool introduced last night cost £45 million.

The 3 subs Chelsea introduced cost £93m. Ergo when you average it out, not a lot between them given Liverpool made one less sub.

Liverpool have also frozen out a £20m defender out of the squad so little merit to moan about squad and resources issues.

Klopp’s teams are all huff and puff and don’t know how to pace themselves in games. Despite being the dominant team last night, both sides created fairly equal genuine opportunities and Chelsea looked the more likely to win it near the end as Liverpool had gassed themselves. That’s was Liverpool’s cup final.

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Mane is not usually a sub. He would have started ahead of Can who cost 10m. So the actual average works out at 10m per sub for Liverpool. Chelsea pay on average three times as much for a sub. Klopp doing great work to have Liverpool so competitive against such odds. Worth every penny of the 7m they’re paying him. Rogers spent 20m on Sakho, doesn’t mean he’s worth 20m. He lacked character and Jurgen was right to get rid.



Oh well in that case. I can disregard the all the fees paid for players before Conte took over meaning only the fees for Alonso, Kante and Luiz hold weight.

As long as you lambast Conte for not utilising a 60m talent in Oscar and forcing him to move to China.

Didn’t Batsuhayi sign same day as Kante. All 4 together would be a spend of about 110m British pounds

Mourinho mouthpiece and unconfirmed FotF Duncan Castles rowing with Liverpool supporters on twitter at the moment. Being bald doesn’t bother Duncan apparently but he wonders does not winning the title in nearly 3 decades bother Liverpool fans.

He didn’t need to now did he? Chelsea are 9 points clear.

@artfoley getting pummelled on two counts in that exchange.

So you agree that Chelsea’s success is down to financial doping? 60M worth of talent left to rot on the bench and then shipped out to China.

Chelsea have a ridiculous squad

Hard to compete with. Some achievement by Klopp to beat them 3-2 over the 2 games. Pity he hasn’t the resources to put a good squad together and launch a challenge over a season. Incredible work considering his net spend is zero.


If they can add a striker and centre half they will go along way towards challenging next year.

Didn’t Klopp get rid of £32m worth of talent in Benteke the close season because he wasn’t deemed good enough? You can make all the excuses you want but you’ll end up compromising yourself as Klopp is at a club with huge resources.

Liverpool have huge resources - Chelsea have mega resources. Light years ahead of Liverpool financially as are City and Utd - Liverpool can’t out bid these clubs nor offer half the wages to players these clubs can. They’ll plough on tho and hope to pick up 4th here and there.

Not light years ahead at all.

Liverpool have the 5th highest assembled squad in the league. They are currently 4th and finished 8th last season. Klopp is doing an average job considering the fact he’s the 6th highest paid manager in world football.

Unlike Chelsea, Liverpool have to make the books balance and the Benteke sale was good business. Liverpool is run as a business, not a play thing for a Russian oligarch.

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