Liverpool FC 2016/17/ Mousey's stag in Tipp town

Yet the same source lists Chelsea as having 21 players on loan, no the the 38 you claimed?

Why do you feel the need to mislead us?

Are you accusing Liverpool of financial doping? If as you say it’s 14 Liverpool players out on loan then Chelsea have nearly 3 times as many which backs up my point about financial doping.

It’s either financial doping or it’s not, maybe one side dopes a little more than the other but it’s either doping or not.

I called you out on putting misleading and inaccurate information before us.

Somebody please make this stop.


Just to point out that Coutinho’s new salary is reported to be £150k per week not the 200k quoted above. This makes him Liverpool’s highest earner


I have provided conclusive evidence of Chelsea’s financial doping. 38 players at the start of the season according to Guardian.

I have provided conclusive evidence of Liverpool’s financial doping.

14 players on loan at the end of the January transfer window.

Away to Hull next. Tricky. Those boys are dogged.

I’m happy I disagree with someone who thinks Rodgers is a better manager than Klopp. If I agreed with you then I’d know I was wrong.

Are you more bored by my posts on the US Presidential thread or this, mate?

Who said Rodgers was a better manager?

All the main media sources (Times, Guardian, Telegraph) touted the 150 figure. The only place I’ve seen the 200 was from yourself. Yawn

This is much worse @Sidney



I didn’t say anyone said that.


You KOKs don’t like a few home truths.

You said you were happy you disagreed with someone who said Rodgers was a better manager than Kloop.

Who are you disagreeing with?

This is fucking gas…

Sad cunts…