Liverpool Football Club 2017/18

If their mammys let them out

When oh when will Oirish barstoolers stop pretending to be ultras, sad to say but my sources say the Irish guy was to blame

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Heard from a guy who was at the game that bottles were launched at the Roma fans from the vicinity of the bar.

that’s actually a great point, start fights then when the Roma fans react take pictures rather than defend your fans


@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy gets around

Italian self defense is normally retreat.




Yeah - they just found a hammer on the street by pure chance :grin:


Sad to see attempts to defend attempted murder by Roma supporters, premeditated too, by the forum’s “edgelords”. Let’s hope it remains at just attempted murder.

Liverpool supporters, as usual, were 0% to blame here and 100% of the blame lies with the thus who travelled from Rome with the intention to maim and kill.

This Irishman was a son, a father and a husband. And he is our brother.

An attack on one Liverpool supporter is an attack on all of us.

I like you mate, I urge you not to start any of that shit in Rome

Surely an Italian dresses better than that?


Bob has clamped himself

Hope he pulls through.

Otherwise it’s Justice for the 97.

You tell me, you posted a video of them above.

I like you too, mate. I just want you to not try and murder me as I attend a football match.

It is Irish fans that Liverpool historically murder.

Ask the family of Patrick Radcliffe.