Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

A run of injuries indicates they’re poorly run?

They need more money to compete with the other organisations

They’ve just had a bit of bad luck, it happens. I wouldn’t get so bent out of shape about it pal. The sun will rise again tomorrow.

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Tiago slows the game down too much. A very talented player no doubt, but not sure he is a good fit for Liverpool. The extra second he often takes on the ball detracts from the explosiveness of the front three.

Thiago is the best midfielder in the league, Klopp and LFC have just used press merchants with advanced inhalers for the last four years and the ynwa brigade want all action gordon hendersons


Liverpool were the greatest side English football has seen, since the last greatest Liverpool side.

You need to get DAZN in your life.

I think him not seeing the final 10 minutes was probably good for his zen

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Post is pretty ironic tbf


Life comes at you fast on TFK sometimes.

Liverpool banned from entering Germany for Leipzig game.

is the fixture null and void?

Leipzig have to find a neutral venue

my mind is blown.

UEFA have given until the start of April for the last sixteen games to be played

Luke O’ Neill after saying on RTÉ that he drinks his tae from a Liverpool mug.

This Means More.

And Tomas Ryan has never heard of Messi.


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I’d respect Ryan more than a footix