Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

I wasn’t around at the time but to be fair to @Malarkey there I don’t think he actually meant it the way it was interpreted, it was still an absolute cunt of a thing to say to another person, but sure what would you expect from a pig but a grunt

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I’m certainly puzzled as to why anybody would celebrate the death of the Queen.

I certainly haven’t vilified or othered any generalised “group” for the behaviour of individuals.

So where’s the hypocrisy?

I think it’s obvious that people from Liverpool will be generally vilified and there will be widespread goading over Hillsborough by online right wing culture warriors if a few idiots boo the minutes’ silence tonight. That will be whipped up by the usual right-wing media demagogues.

A bit like how you, an online culture warrior, deliberately whip up generalised anger against Ukrainian refugees.


I’ve no problem with people booing an anthem. But I don’t see why you’d celebrate the Queen’s death?

That’s not much of an answer.

You whipped up generalised anger against Ukrainian refugees and now you’re trying to run away from the fact you did so.

My opinion on the european unions granting of temporary protection will never change.

I’m not a hypocrite

Stop hiding behind empty, meaningless words. You desperately tried to whip up generalised anger against Ukrainian refugees and you were rightly called out on it by several posters.

You’ve proceeded to make a fool of yourself for the next however many weeks it has been, two or three.

To you, basic empathy for victims of a war is “the feminisation of the west” (words which display a pretty worrying anger and loathing towards women).

Basic empathy :rofl:

There isn’t an honest bone in your body

Didn’t you go on about sniffing someones tampons ?

Thats more worrying

That’s the point. It is about basic empathy and it is about being honest. You’ve demonstrated you are incapable of both of those things over the last few weeks.

Your descent into Ewan style narcissism and madness has been fascinating to watch.

I hope that’s the last of that shit in here


Diogoal starts

Joel :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Hi @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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What’s the story with Konate lad?

What do you think mate, will the same footix which were seething with the rovers fans for singing a sing about lizzie say its fine if the liverpool fans boo



The question was for @Fran

I think lads will change their story whatever way the wind is blowing. Its sad but that’s the way it’s gone these days. It’s very frustrating for posters like ourselves who stay loyal to our core values and sports teams


The Ratoath speak for each other. We are one big anti royal loyalist orange footix family.

Anti royal loyalists?

Slightly confused there mate