Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

He should get an award for it

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Has that Elliot fella had a goal or an assist? Not sure he is any use at pressing either. I know hes young but Liverpool need an upgrade in that position. He is not providing much by way of cover for TAA either even if its not his main job really to do that. Liverpool look very weak down that side. They need to invest in a proper rb in the summer also. Thought Tsimikas was very good last night.

Tsimikas was excellent. He got really tired towards the end which is probably understandable given a lack of games and that was real end to end.

TAA defending for the goal was inexcusable. He let the man run in behind him, ok, he switched off. Happens. He then jogged and watched the whole thing unfold, again. That isn’t concentration. That’s laziness. If he busts his arse to get back he is making a tackle there or at least stopping the last pass.

He isn’t a full back. I don’t think he wants to play full back.

This is busting your arse to get back. Maximum effort. You never see that from TAA. Teammates see it though and that can permeate through a squad of players.

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Started out as a midfielder I think. He was always a below average defender. It looks like laziness at times. Still the most creative player Liverpool have.

Even look at that clip the lazy leg from TAA. That’s shocking. Body shape all wrong. He just doesn’t want to defend.

Doesn’t look like, it is. You can’t be that bad a defender that you don’t cop on you have to run towards your own goal when a man gets in behind. He doesn’t want to play right back i reckon

The whole team is running back to right back now whenever Liverpool lose the ball :smile:

You couldn’t have TAA midfield, the way Liverpool play he would have to do even more work in the there. You’d have to put him all the way up to the right of the front three if you were moving him. Might not be as mental as it sounds, he is a fantastic creator

He doesn’t have any assists this year. I dont think he has enough leverage on the right side to create much anymore. He is a liability at the back and seems to be directly or indirectly culpable for goals conceded in every game at this stage. Liverpool should put out the feelers and see if a team like PSG or Real Madrid will take him off their hands.

He couldn’t play wide right up against a direct opponent in a 4-3-3 he isn’t skilfull enough. He’s able to get crosses in becuase liverpool overload out wide and he is very often spare man.

Right mid in a 4-4-2 like Beckham had at United would be perfect for him. Stay wide, full back will create space for you and just whip it in. Nobody does that anymore though


He is a crossing machine.

He had the most key passes in the league last season also

He is in a bit of a funk, but you can’t throw the baby out with the bath water either

TAA aside, Fabinho has been very poor this year and it has been the cause of a lot of issues. His positioning has been poor and twice he has stepped out when acting as a defender and left a man waltz passed him to score. Midfield has masked TAA in previous years but both areas are not performing and it’s letting teams waltz into the box.

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Robertson is second because that’s Liverpools game plan. Get overloads and let the full backs cross it. Whats the goal ratio from his crosses?

Its not bad defending that i see as the problem, that can be coached. He is only 23. Laziness and bad instinct can’t. Not tracking that run last night and then jogging is terrible for a professional right back. If you’re in a funk you try harder. I’d be getting rid

Everyone raves about cancelo at man city too and i can’t have him as a full back. Its alright when you’ve 80% possession but in the big games his defending is shocking. He’ll let you down all the time. Has a big mistake in him too.

I’m too old fashioned i think for having full backs that can’t defend

Gimme Denis Irwin any day

Young Ramsey and Jimmy Kostas will be putting huge pressure on TAA and Robbo

Fabinho and Trent both exposed without Henderson on the counter.

I really underrated him for a while

I think you can see the value to the team of Henderson in recent weeks. He did so much of the running, tracking, covering (and shouting) that helped bring balance to the side. Harvey lad is a nice little player going forward but has pretty much zero physical presence and no defensive instincts. Unfortunately the signs were there even before his injury that Henderson’s legs are beginning to go but they pretty much still need him until they get a replacement in.


He covered Trent by sitting in right back when Liverpool bombed on and Fabinho covered Robertson or sat in to make it a 3 between the centre halves and VVD shifted.

It just doesn’t work with thiago and elliott. They aren’t fit for the roles Klopp needs

It’s not just Henderson though. Liverpool’s misfield was creaking last season and struggled against good teams. Mane’s sublime half season papered over a few cracks. Wijnaldum was also a savage engine. Thiago, good and all as he is, cant do it. So you lose the pressing of your two fittest midfielders. The system no longer works without being able to press non stop as the other team try to get out.

Henderson and Wijnaldum used to cover the fullbacks but the latter left and the former was given the “Elliott” role of supporting Salah last year. The right centre back is given one third of the midfield to cover himself.