Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

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@Thomas_Brady the only liverplix with a pair of rocks.

The rest of them going on about roy keane and an fa cup from 2 decades ago :rofl:

This means more

If Ireland’s great white hope is some carthorse target man CF then you’d have to fear for the future

An innocuous fan phrase has some lads severely wound up :joy::joy::joy::joy:

It looks like Ferguson won’t be frequenting any internationals for a while either

We don’t need the likes of ye cunts supporting them anyway.

That’s Liverpool’s essence

Is he badly injured? I didn’t see a second of it.

I’d love to see big Ev Ferguson at Liverpool in the future. Imagine Klopp developing a striker with his repertoire of skills😍

He got a kick in the back of the leg, was able to walk off the pitch. Made a mountain out of a molehill really


It’s a contact sport, lads get injured every game. Put the dummy back in your mouth and grow up a little

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Klopp out spock in

Liverpool means more than Ireland

Attempted murder and condoning booing a player who tackled another player…

Are you even Irish?


Ye are a shower of odd cunts, simple as. If that was a Utd player id be saying the very same thing it’s just ye simpletons have to always be the best fans, best boys ye are sure.

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Fabinho acknowledges it straight away. He’s not that type of player either. Has an exemplary disciplinary record as regards red cards. I’d say he’ll be straight on the phone to Evan similar to Steven Gerrard calling George Boateng to apologise for a bad tackle in 2001. Bad challenges happen in a contact sport. Best wishes to Evan Ferguson on a quick recovery.

You’ve an encyclopedic knowledge of the EPL pal.

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A powder pissing cunt staunchly supports his orange order club, no surprise.


Have you nothing better to be doing than trawling through old posts on the internet you sad cunt

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This is unreal, a lad who is decreeing who can and cannot support their national team calling other lads simpletons!

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it only takes a second… you seem very upset.