Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

Did the man say he has a psychologist? Going on the internet opening yourself up for torrents of abuse may not be ideal if youre suffering from mental health issues… Maybe @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy can have a word with him as he seems to be this guys biggest fan.

I genuinely didn’t know about the cholesterol brothers until @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy brought them up (until this morning, I presumed they were actually brothers).

It’s a very bizarre type of fandom. I actually find that the Yanited fella (Goldbridge) seems a more decent sort than these Dooblin yahoos.

Trawling the internet looking for the biggest weirdo who follows a certain association football team and then posting it on the internet going ‘look at this weirdo’. Bless the mind of the anti footix.


they are all clowns, sitting in a fake studio trying to get likes and be more outrageous. Goldbridge does seem more natural in it though, he doesnt seem to go for the easy likes and ridiculous soundbites, whereas the cholesterol brothers seem to just shout out stupid shit and dont care that it will go viral even if it makes them look like complete fucking idiots. Goldbridges viral hits are usually of him going mental when Utd lose or concede a goal and its just the agony of it that people watch. The 2 Liverpool lads and the other fat bearded Irish lad just say stupid reactionary shit for the sake of it.

The whole thing is absolutely stupid. I always wonder do people who follow their club actually watch them? I’d say its opposition fans watch them for the inevitable bullshit. Why would any sane person chose to watch some weirdo talking about a game rather than watch the game itself.


I haven’t seen any united ones. It’s very funny the abuse they are taking because they are literally what most Irish Liverpool fans are like just slightly exaggerated. Passionately invested while not really having a clue, watching all the games on telly, going to the odd big game, all about the bantz and abusing other fans.


Youself and @StoneCold are passionately invested in outing Paddy footix. Ye’re as odd as them.

love how @mikehunt is oblivious to the fact that he is just like a cholesterol brother


He’s just decided to get on his high horse for some reason. It’s not his fault these lads are making a show of Liverpoolix apparently. It’s never his fault.

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Says the big man yoo fan :joy:… If you cant see that 78.37% of Irish fans are the same regardless of club then that makes you a big footix

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The idiots in the watch along & TFK mainstream really leave the decent ordinary supporter like @Fran down.

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Says the chap who supports Celtic cos they’re Irish and calls our national game spud hockey.

how is a game invented by british landlords & played only in munster our national game

Can someone bullet point what this is about?

How in the absolute fuck do you know any of these people?

None of them can hold a candle to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s live streams for Rovers games

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Hurling was here long before the tans arrived.

do you have the internet or whatsapp? you couldnt follow football these days without a fan of an opposing team sending on one of these lads having a meltdown.

I really could and can.

Why don’t you ask ceist? He might have more tae for your mug😁

@Ceist what is the Anfield Agenda?