Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

The Anfield Agenda is a YouTube channel that covers news, match previews, and analysis of Liverpool Football Club. They have a large following and provide regular content for fans of the club.


You’re correct. TFK wouldn’t know about them only for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy . He posts them twice a day.

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By God!

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Serious work from @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy to raise our awareness to this fracas between the “cholesterol brothers”. We will have an in-depth discussion about this in the snug in the Ratoath Inn before kick-off tomorrow night and make an informed decision as regards which Liverpool supporting TikToker we should show solidarity with.

The bearded fella Morley is after completing a meteoric rise. A year ago he was very much an unknown nich TikToker but now has a larger following than the other two. He comes across as arrogant and invariably misguided in his opinions. I noticed Bournemouth’s official TikTok shared a clip of him on social media after the result at the weekend. I couldn’t believe they’d associate themselves with an unknown quantity of a weirdo from Mayo.

There’s a 3rd one??? :hushed:

There is. He’s using them all for clout and his numbers have grown exponentially of late. He hates Arsenal randomly enough. He came to prominence when he threatened to beat up a West Brom supporting TikToker who’s viewed as a God online because he’s more “normal” than the others in that strange online realm.

How in the actual fuck do you know all these lads.

They don’t spend all day on here?

They spend it on these YouTube channels?

Onrale :heart_eyes:


Scum instead of man u would have been :ok_hand:


Is that Ballysimon?

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There’s 4….

We’re going to do it.


The Ciano fella from Kildare? A nice auld sort compared to the rest of them.

We go again.

“Because it’s you, we have a chance”.



who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Liverpool will probably bring this to Extra Time before Modric sets up Benzema for the winner.

You just wouldn’t know with Liverpool. There’s a beautiful madness about them. Real are the great survivors though. The only club who can churn out Champions League winning sides while seemingly in transition.