Local and European election candidates

Fucking brilliant one there Farmer…:clap:

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 949163, member: 179”]

as an aside, after mcfadden this bye election and mcentee on the last one, is it time for a log thread for people who have surfed into dail eireann on a relative’s coffin?[/QUOTE]

You could do worse than coffin this batch of dozy looking fuckers. In the name of Christ what are we electing. Mucksavages all…


Congrats to Fethard man Martin Murphy on getting elected in New Ross. Dumped by FF for a Gusserane man, and only able to afford two posters, Murphy gave two fingers to the establishment by conjuring up a runaway victory.

Can anyone direct me to a site where I can see the transfers of votes in the local elections? Trawling across constituencies I see, according to the Irish Times site, that a man called Conor Dowling (Ind) was elected to Carlow Council. This may not be unusual apart from the fact that he got 22 first preferences and another SF candidate appears to have been eliminated with in excess of 800 No.1’s. Fucking hilarious.

Edit. The Times have this one wrong. He was eliminated about 2 days ago.

[QUOTE=“Boxtyeater, post: 949535, member: 246”]You could do worse than coffin this batch of dozy looking fuckers. In the name of Christ what are we electing. Mucksavages all…


Jesus, Ciaran Cannon looks like death.

[QUOTE=“Boxtyeater, post: 949535, member: 246”]You could do worse than coffin this batch of dozy looking fuckers. In the name of Christ what are we electing. Mucksavages all…

King coffin surfer enda front & centre there

Ravishing Martin Anderson? Am I missing summat? Is he a wrestler?


Martina Anderson.


[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 948590, member: 9”]Very interesting, thanks.

What’s your take on events in the 6 counties generally?

Sinn Féin seem to have strengthened in Derry and mid Ulster but perhaps some disappointing results in Belfast?[/QUOTE]
SF did decently. Lot of animosity between them and SDLP with SF apparently telling voters to just stop after listing SF candidate(s) on the ballot paper.
David Jones who was Drumcree Press Officer has been elected as UKIP Councillor. TUV picked up 13 seats. Distasteful

A pure joke, they only started counting at 9.30 tonight.

What? Why?

For the last local elections that area was counted first so they are counted last this time.

There was a recount in one of the other areas (a difference of ten votes between candidates) so that delayed it even more. A bit of a farce and unfair on the candidates and their family, supporters etc. The polls closed 48 hours ago, should be a result well before now.

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 949634, member: 1552”]For the last local elections that area was counted first so they are counted last this time.

There was a recount in one of the other areas (a difference of ten votes between candidates) so that delayed it even more. A bit of a farce and unfair on the candidates and their family, supporters etc. The polls closed 48 hours ago, should be a result well before now.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, we should have some sort of e-voting machines.



0 Labour councillors on Cork City Council after all the seats have been filled.

Extremely worrying swing to the right in plenty of European states. Le Pen’s National Front got the biggest votes in France. Big right wing gains in Denmark and Austria too.

Why are the Electorate happily supporting FG & mugging off Labour?

Pascal Sheehy’s suit is wonderfully bizarre. The mad bastard.

“Labour’s way or Frankfurt’s way!”