Local and European election candidates

[QUOTE=“North County Corncrake, post: 948175, member: 80”]is that half wit fooley really up in arms about a new library, what next a burning of the books in the library at deans grange to pacify him

fooleys formative years in thatchers britain have had a terrible affect on him[/QUOTE]

Were you deprived of punctuation growing up in Fingal?

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 947090, member: 24”]I thought Brid Smith did well there.

Liked the way she dismissed the rather stupid question of her and Murphy splitting the left vote.

Brian what’s his face?[/QUOTE]
What did she say and why is it a stupid question? Thinks it’s a reasonable point myself.

Anyone who thinks there’s nothing wrong with the new Dun Laoghaire Library clearly doesn’t live that close to the area or has only moved to the area. It is a monstrosity and its bloated budget is a disgrace.

She said why doesn’t he ask Mary Fitzpatrick and Brian Whatshisface that?


[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 948162, member: 179”]Theres state of the art facilitiesc in the recently refurbished library in deansgrange whilst the library on georges st is a lovely building and could have been extended.

Surely a greater gift to the children would have been an unmolested moran park and the green space it provided? Whereas the money could gave been spent infinitely better in other ways to benefit the children of the area[/QUOTE]



[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 948219, member: 1”]Eh…




Great input, now fuck off and drown yourself you horrid little shit

Were you deprived of punctuation growing up in Wexford?

:eek: Not before he puts in the mugged off rating!

Voting completed.

Now for an enjoyable evening of exercise and Home & Away catch up.

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 948232, member: 9”]Voting completed.

Now for an enjoyable evening of exercise and Home & Away catch up.[/QUOTE]

Did you give Lynn 1?

I did indeed. Did you?

They could just give every household a kindle full of books for a fraction of the price

A Local Election candidate has died in Co Monaghan. It’s believed 54 yr old Owen Bannigan (Fine Gael) suffered a massive heart attack. #ntfm


I’m in Wroclaw, pal.

RTE Exit poll…

Ind 27/28
Lab 7/6
Ff 22/22
FG 25/24
SF 17/16
GP 3/6

Unhappy Gilmore.

Independents are huge. That’s strong for Greens. SF and FF not bad. FG poor but will be happy that Labour continue to take most of the fall.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 948443, member: 1”]RTE Exit poll…

Ind 27/28
Lab 7/6
Ff 22/22
FG 25/24
SF 17/16
GP 3/6[/QUOTE]

17% for Sinn Fein would seem to be very decent in the European considering they’ve only ran 3 candidates - imagine that should be enough to secure 3 seats. They will probably struggle with transfers as usual but will hopefully pick some up from the independents.


Does Independents include candidates from minority parties?

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 948449, member: 2533”]@Rocko

Does Independents include candidates from minority parties?[/QUOTE]

Yes 3% from Socialists and various other parties contribute too. But mostly independents.