Local and European election candidates

It’s below the opinion polls but they are consistently below opinion polls. It’s a marked improvement on previous local, European and general elections and that’s the main achievement really.

Why would they consistently trend below polls would you reckon? Lack of turnout of voters or something else? Previously before they became mainstream I’d have imagined that to be the other way round

Polls generally tend to seek more intelligent looking people for their opinions which might distort the overall results.

Early indications from the malahide boxes in fingal suggest ni laoi o brien lavin are shoo ins. Good showing from guerin.

The turnout is typically lower in working class areas which would tend to have a higher SF vote. Same applies to their younger voters.

8 seats is it?

Lynn Boylan on 24% in Dublin. Hayes way behind.

This Dublin exit poll is extraordinary. Hayes and Eamonn Ryan in joint second on 14%.

If those figures are correct it will be some dog fight for 3rd seat. Labour wench could transfer heavy to Mary Fitz.

Yes. Labour’s mcdonagh polling strongly in portmarnock box recently opened. Ahead of his running mate dunne. Guerin strong. Healy of the greens keeping his end up. No sign of howth bayside boxes as of yet.

Yeah - that makes sense. Surely a better get out the vote would help them then. It’s surely easier to persuade someone who favours you to get off their arse and vote rather than try and convince active voters from other parties to convert.

Labour generally transfer well to Greens. The only hope Fitzpatrick has of getting a chunk of Costello’s transfers are the fact they are the only two Northsiders in the field. If Hayes is showing on 14%, he’s goosed. Where are the transfers going to come from? Incredible to think Dublin may have no FF/FG/Lab MEP. Instead possibly a trio of IRA/SF, a tree hugger and a bed hopping flip flopper.

Looks like hanafin has split the FF vote in blackrock, she currently on 14% and feeney is on 13%. Be wonderful if neither of them got a seat

Aileen woods looking very nervous here. Guerin not polling well in his stronghold of baldoyle. He might be goosed. O callaghans support in baldoyle howth is huge. Healy picking up scraps. I’m going out on a limb and declaring ni laoi o brien o callaghan all elected with lavin, healy and mcdonagh to follow.

The above is obviously my opinion( a load of bollox). There will be a big transfer scrap between dunne mcdonagh guerin woods and o toole.

You’d wonder what way the political landscape would change if compulsory voting or even automatic registration on turning 18 was introduced. What effect does it have in countries where it is in place does anyone know?

Kilkenny covering themselves in glory

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 948486, member: 179”]Kilkenny covering themselves in glory

That’d be the Stepford Wives vote for you.

Canice’s name recognition and personal popularity has certainly got the Fianna Fail vote out in a big way.

“Ah, I suppose Fianna Fáil would have a lot of experience at this stage and they do a lot of good work in the community.”