Local and European election candidates

Gerry Adams now on Newstalk speaking As Gaeilge to Pat Kenny. What a gaelgoir! :clap:

O’Brien was interviewed on Live 95FM after his election last night. He was adamant he would not return to FF. Of all the local election candidates in the county (not just the Rathkeale/Adare area) he was easily the best, spoke very well, clearly a smart, intelligent guy and if he runs in the next General Election you’d imagine he’ll have a decent chance of getting in. Any fella that calls out the County Board for being inept, clueless gombeens deserves respect.

Stephen Keary takes the third seat in that electoral area.

:rolleyes: FFS, you could at least spell it properly

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 949843, member: 1552”]O’Brien was interviewed on Live 95FM after his election last night. He was adamant he would not return to FF. Of all the local election candidates in the county (not just the Rathkeale/Adare area) he was easily the best, spoke very well, clearly a smart, intelligent guy and if he runs in the next General Election you’d imagine he’ll have a decent chance of getting in. Any fella that calls out the County Board for being inept, clueless gombeens deserves respect.

Stephen Keary takes the third seat in that electoral area.[/QUOTE]

Kevin Sheahan likely to be the next, then a real struggle for last 2. SF in a good position but will she get the transfers in the later rounds. She will probably get there. Which leaves the last seat. O Donoghue in 6th but there maybe a lot of parochial politics which might see one of the Adare or Croom candidates pass him out

Oh holy fuck a heavy rae on the radio there, sounds like he is three sheets to the wind.

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 949811, member: 53”]They don’t just take the top 10% of the pile. They take 10% at random of the votes. I checked with a returning officer type on saturday.

Your scenario might lead to the entire 10% coming from one area of the constituency, the last one counted (eg FF loving blackrock.)Their second preferences might be very different to those of, say, Blanchardstown folk. To ensure the surplus is distributed as fairly as possible, the 10% is taken at random.[/QUOTE]

I’ve always wondered how they randomly select votes? How is this possible? Do they roll a dice or something? Surely taking them all from one box as opposed to taking some from each is just as much random, if it has not been predetermined to do so.

Is there rules stating what random is?

Also, wasn’t that one of the problems with electronic voting, transfers weren’t selected at “random” but “prorata”?

[QUOTE=“stones_off, post: 949898, member: 1559”]
Also, wasn’t that one of the problems with electronic voting, transfers weren’t selected at “random” but “prorata”?[/QUOTE]

With e-voting would you not have been able to use all the votes instead of having to use a “random” selection?

[QUOTE=“stones_off, post: 949898, member: 1559”]I’ve always wondered how they randomly select votes? How is this possible? Do they roll a dice or something? Surely taking them all from one box as opposed to taking some from each is just as much random, if it has not been predetermined to do so.

Is there rules stating what random is?

Also, wasn’t that one of the problems with electronic voting, transfers weren’t selected at “random” but “prorata”?[/QUOTE]
As I understand it, they are counted pro rata but if the pro rata decides you get 100 votes then the bundle that they use to give you that 100 is somewhat randomly selected. That doesn’t matter to you but it matters to where those votes then go.

Yeah, see my next point. I think you always count them all and pro-rata them. But what votes do you actually use to transfer across so that when then candidate is eliminated you have votes to transfer on further.

@Juhniallio got a very soft informative rating earlier - I think I’ve done very well on this thread but I’m being accused of not understanding the process.

13,569 people in the Ireland South constituency gave this nice lady their number one preference. Feminization of the water supply must be more of an issue down there than previously imagined.

How is Grace doing ?

Man Boobs Fagan, its all about the Moobs.

Must be a particular problem in the Cloyne area.

27,000 or so. Not good. She’s even behind Phil Pender.

I was listening to Newstalk yesterday and they were listening to the first count from Dublin West. There was people being called out (Eamonn Coghlan being one) with less than 100 votes. Would these lads not fuck off and go and do something else? I mean if you can’t get more than 100 votes, even including friends and family, then what the fuck are you at.

180k votes for Crowley in Ireland South, almost 50k over the quota.

[QUOTE=“Horsebox, post: 949979, member: 1537”]I was listening to Newstalk yesterday and they were listening to the first count from Dublin West. There was people being called out (Eamonn Coghlan being one) with less than 100 votes. Would these lads not fuck off and go and do something else? I mean if you can’t get more than 100 votes, even including friends and family, then what the fuck are you at.
I’m expecting a multitude of well clamped ratings when I tell you that there was no candidate who got less than 100 first preference votes in Dublin West

@The Burner Did Tom Neville stay around for the count or did he have to catch a flight back to America?

What makes Brian Crowley such a big voter? Wouldn’t know anything about the guy. Hear of him for about one month in every five years and then disappears off the radar for another four years eleven months.

I don’t ever recall hearing of him making any truly memorable speeches or been involved in any big political projects.

[QUOTE=“Manuel Zelaya, post: 950015, member: 377”]What makes Brian Crowley such a big voter? Wouldn’t know anything about the guy. Hear of him for about one month in every five years and then disappears off the radar for another four years eleven months.

I don’t ever recall hearing of him making any truly memorable speeches or been involved in any big political projects.[/QUOTE]

I don’t understand it myself. He’s been representing Munster for years and I never remember him doing anything of note.