Local and European election candidates

Among those elected in limerick:

Two Collins’s

Malachy McCreesh, brother of Raymond and my former assistant football coach

Cian lynch’s father (still from kk, no Tipp blood acknowledged)

Emmet o’brien of the “big fancy job”. Spike is still seething


Gerry ginger mcloughlin and his daughter

Are any of these eijits expected to or indeed capable of making a significant contribution in Europe? It seems like getting elected is the aim and then sit back and enjoy the gravy train and those fine Belgian beers.

Have ye finished the counting yet?

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 950778, member: 1”]Not only have Sinn Féin dominated the voting, they have completely dominated the celebrations too.

This was Carthy:


Ní Riada’s was superb - particularly the rendition of Mo Ghile Mear from 2 minutes on:


The Carthy one is funny with Martin McGuinness straining to get a high five from him on a few different occasions but Carthy doesn’t spot him at all.

Incredible lack of knowledge from @Rocko regarding Liadh Ní Riada’s background. Stunning.

Some fella brought along his squeeze box to the count, how twee.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 950761, member: 686”]@Bandage how do feel about paying 62% income tax come 2016?

Nice to put something back in after all the rewards I suppose.

I am half thinking of staying put on the corporate ladder when I weigh it all up.[/QUOTE]

It might cause a brain drain.

Some amount of gombeens representing FF there at the MNW voting centre in Castlebar.

Pat “The Cope” Gallagher, Dara Calleary and Timmy Dooley to name but three.

One seat from 11 for FF in the Euros. That’s some return for a party on the way back.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 950440, member: 1”]Plenty of media attention on the success of the right and far-right in European elections but it’s worth noting that the countries where austerity has been imposed have all gone to the left.

Ireland: 3 SF and probably 3 lefitsh independents out of 10 seats. Plus a huge swing to the left in local elections.
Spain: United Left and Podemos made big gains.
Greece: Syriza (anti-austerity) became the largest party.
Portugal: Opposition Socialist Party became the largest party.[/QUOTE]

Poland elected 4 rightish MEP’s from Janusz Korwin-Mikke’s party. They got 7.2%, 4th place I think. A marvellous chap, supports very low tax rates, believes in the idea that the man on the street will spend his money better than the Government. Not a big fan of the Euro though, sees it as a German plot “Eine Deutsch, eine Volk, eine Euro”!!

Why the hell does “the Cope” mean?

Why the hell not?

Was this posted here already. Senator Lorraine Higgins posted this on her Twitter feed

yeah… I referenced it a few weeks back. It summed up all that needed to be said about her…

I seen some other slogan send the Galway girl to Europe. How did she get on ?

She performed abysmally and wasn’t anywhere near getting elected.

I was strolling down from Killiney Hill this afternoon when I got sight of a leggy blonde wearing tiny shorts in the distance, holding what appeared to be some sort of long-handled gardening implement. I moistened my lips in anticipation of a good old-fashioned ogle at what I reasoned to be a decent bit of crumpet but was ultimately disappointed to find, as I got closer, that it was this yoke instead…:

…taking down one of her election posters. As she carried the aforementioned poster over to her jeep, I swiveled the head to check out her posterior, hoping it would provide some sort of comfort to me. Horrible, cellulite-wreaked legs on her.

His grandfather was involved in the co-op,hence the cope as they pronounce it.

His grandfather was a successful entrepreneur and exceedingly rich too. He used to give struggling locals a few bob on an ongoing basis if he felt they were in need and never looked for any of it back. He used to always say he was just doing his bit to help people “cope”. The nickname “The Cope” came from this and has been passed down since.

his grandfather had an awful habit of goosing women and was known locally as the grope, over time & with the help of the FF mandarins this was changed to the less offensive cope

[QUOTE=“Thrawneen, post: 951230, member: 129”]I was strolling down from Killiney Hill this afternoon when I got sight of a leggy blonde wearing tiny shorts in the distance, holding what appeared to be some sort of long-handled gardening implement. I moistened my lips in anticipation of a good old-fashioned ogle at what I reasoned to be a decent bit of crumpet but was ultimately disappointed to find, as I got closer, that it was this yoke instead…:

…taking down one of her election posters. As she carried the aforementioned poster over to her jeep, I swiveled the head to check out her posterior, hoping it would provide some sort of comfort to me. Horrible, cellulite-wreaked legs on her.
Who is that?