Local and European election candidates

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Lisa Rogerson, FF candidate in DL-R

More like ‘the dope’


Who would of thought?

Ming :clap::clap:


That’s a cracking documentary

It’s all duck or no dinner for SF. Very impressive first preference votes across the board but they are getting nothing in transfers. They nearly have to make it in on the first count or they’re bunched. Obviously they are really polarising the electorate. That may change when Mary Lou takes over.

I think now would be a good time for Gerry Adams and McGuinness to step aside, but I can’t see them doing so ahead of the 1916 centenary and the general election.

Surely they’ll go with Pearse Doherty as next leader, as opposed to Mary Lou?

Hadn’t noticed that. Pretty interesting and could have an big impact in a GE. One thing you do notice from some of the counts is how all over the place transfers can be i.e. Hard left candidates transferring to Fine Gael and other similar nuts stuff.

I think some of that is just hangover from voting habits in previous elections. Where people have voted for the independents as a protest vote but still gave their other preferences to the candidates they would have voted for in the past.

I’ve heard that the councillors and their tally men can predict fairly accurately who a person voted for. How do they work this out? Is it just guess work or do they have system based on the position of the ballet paper in the box and the list of people who voted?

I’m not sure you’re thinking of the tallymen as opposed to each local group but I understand it as follows - each local group goes through the local register, they have people sitting in every polling station and mark off the list as people come in to vote and cross reference the two.

On the day of the count the tallymen watch in pairs as the votes are sorted. One person will say who the vote is for and the other will mark it off on the list so they’ll have a very accurate estimate of the first preferences before the counting has begun. Along with that there will be more tallymen keeping on eye on where the transfers are going as well.

Will be interesting to see whether they run more than one candidate in multiple constituencies for the next GE. There are probably enough socialists in the Dublin constituencies to give them sufficient transfers but where they’re a bit more isolated they really struggle to get transfers unless there are some old school FF republicans going across.

They got next to no transfers from anywhere in Dublin West.

They got 1072 out of 9463 votes transferred in Dublin West. So they picked up 11.3 % of the transfers as opposed to 20.9 % of the first preferences. In one of the most left wing constituencies in the country. That’s some fall off rate.

Each box in the polling station represents a certain few roads. They know how many people voted from these votes and who those people are from the list that’s crossed off when you get your ballot papers. They know the first preferences which come out of that area when that box is opened and counted. Finally, when you leave the polling station, there’s a tallyman sitting in a tree opposite the school. He watches to see whether you turn left or right when you come out as it’s a subconcious indicator of your preference.

There used to be two entrances to the polling station at home, apparently one was the FG entrance and the other was FF.

Not to labour the point but Coppinger got 2,600 and FF got 3,000 of the same transfers.

@Fagan ODowd[/USER] , [USER=1]@Rocko Check this shit out. From friend of the forum Claire Byrne


She has one for every constituency! You could be watching this shit all day.
