Local and European election candidates

Some well funded, resourced and staffed citizens information centres would remove the need for 50 per cent or more of TDs.

Yeah and do you think TD’s would ever allow a bill providing for such to see the light of day?

Nope but I use it as an argument to puncture the self importance of people who say they are in politics to “make a difference” because for the most part they are not and even if well motivated they will not make a difference.

I would love to see a visionary politician like Lemass emerge or a civil servant such as Whitaker but the system is loaded against that. The whip system in the Dáil means it is a rubber stamp.


Seen this lady’s poster on the way into work.

It was quite noticeable at the Ard Dheis that FF are putting young attractive female candidates out front and centre. There was ayoung wan who was in the Indo twice over that weekend becasue she looked good, can’t remember her name anymore.

They haven’t gone away and will try any stroke to get back what is rightfully theirs.

[QUOTE=“Special Olympiakos, post: 936208, member: 366”]It was quite noticeable at the Ard Dheis that FF are putting young attractive female candidates out front and centre. There was ayoung wan who was in the Indo twice over that weekend becasue she looked good, can’t remember her name anymore.

They haven’t gone away and will try any stroke to get back what is rightfully theirs.[/QUOTE]

Considering the fact that all the cunts are the same, voting by looks is as good a method as any.

Lorraine clifford is strangely attractive

While sonya stapletons poster does her no favours, she is hot

The labour bird with the Italian name alwasy gets rolled out around this time.

MBB will surely oblige?

Claire Byrne (Green Party – Pembroke South Dock)

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 938493, member: 180”]http://f2.thejournal.ie/media/2014/04/tumblr_n4nmn5yytp1ta4884o1_1280-347x500.png
Claire Byrne (Green Party – Pembroke South Dock)[/QUOTE]
I’ve met her in person, can confirm her loveliness. Beautiful in a quirky bohemian sort of way

Ditto to all of the above. Think I’ll join the Green Party.

http://www.advertiser.ie/images/2013/03/59389_thumb.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/s403x403/10009837_807347742626739_903557140_n.jpg
Lisa Chambers - Fianna Fáil - Castlebar

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 938499, member: 180”]http://www.advertiser.ie/images/2013/03/59389_thumb.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/s403x403/10009837_807347742626739_903557140_n.jpg
Lisa Chambers - Fianna Fáil - Castlebar[/QUOTE]
Those photos are doing her no favours. She’s gonna go far though. She’ll be on the next GE ticket of FF with Calleary where she’ll challenge Michelle Mulhern for the last seat. It’ll all depend on how Ballina goes, but she might just edge it. Castlebar is a strange town in that it has FF divided in two. There’s the Flynn Cumann, a dynasty that is desperately trying to hang on to the glory days and the newer, more progressive side which Chambers is a part of. She’s one of the few that the Flynns would have a grudging respect for however

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 938493, member: 180”]http://f2.thejournal.ie/media/2014/04/tumblr_n4nmn5yytp1ta4884o1_1280-347x500.png
Claire Byrne (Green Party – Pembroke South Dock)[/QUOTE]
Claire is a friend of the forum and should be treated respectfully.

Fuck her and fuck the Green party.

Is objectifying her as a sexual entity wrong? The world is gone fucking mad I tell you.

It wouldn’t happen with Joan Burton. Or Frances Fitzgerald or Mary Lou for that matter.

Come to think of it, neither would it happen with Roisin Shorthall, Clare Daly, Jan O’Sullivan, Catherine Murphy et al.

It would have never happened in the past with Fiona O’Malley, Mary Hanafin, Alice Glenn, Avril Doyle, Niamh Bhreathnach or Mary O’Rourke.

Christ above, we’ve elected some right dogs all the same.

No. I’m just ensuring the culture of mature respect that permeates through TFK is in evidence here too.

Wise move.

Whereas beautiful may be a bit strong, I agree with rest of the tone.