Local and European election candidates


Few lads sailing close to the wind here.

What wind is this?

I’ve said too much.

This seems like it could bring down the forum.

I saw a poster for some Green Party bird today and she appeared to be sporting a nose ring in it.
FFS. Sake.

[ATTACH=full]1214[/ATTACH] I often imagine myself snuggling up beside Nessa


I’d say she’s a proper lady Fagan

Well bred too. Daughter of a President.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 938493, member: 180”]http://f2.thejournal.ie/media/2014/04/tumblr_n4nmn5yytp1ta4884o1_1280-347x500.png
Claire Byrne (Green Party – Pembroke South Dock)[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 938499, member: 180”]http://www.advertiser.ie/images/2013/03/59389_thumb.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/s403x403/10009837_807347742626739_903557140_n.jpg
Lisa Chambers - Fianna Fáil - Castlebar[/QUOTE]

Not bad, she has the look of someone fairly sound.

I’d say back around Tour she would be considered supermodel material :smiley:

Kate O’ Connell in Rathgar is about 300 times sexier than any of these no-marks. F*cking keyboard warrior roaster philistines.
Google her yourself, she’s a Fine Gael.

[QUOTE=“ttown boy, post: 938672, member: 259”]Kate O’ Connell in Rathgar is about 300 times sexier than any of these no-marks. F*cking keyboard warrior roaster philistines.
Google her yourself, she’s a Fine Gael.[/QUOTE]

You sick cunt!


[QUOTE=“ttown boy, post: 938672, member: 259”]F*cking [/QUOTE]:smiley:

Ridiculous reaction. Smasher.
You could pretend that her grandmother was in 1916 as well if you vote for her.

Fagan, are you all right oul’ pal. Just checking.

[QUOTE=“ttown boy, post: 938672, member: 259”]Kate O’ Connell in Rathgar is about 300 times sexier than any of these no-marks. F*cking keyboard warrior roaster philistines.
Google her yourself, she’s a Fine Gael.[/QUOTE]
Yeah if you ignore the fact that she’s a raging cunt

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 938668, member: 1786”]Meh

Not bad, she has the look of someone fairly sound.[/QUOTE]

Apart from the Fianna Fail bit.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 938674, member: 1786”]You sick cunt!


What the fuck is going on with her hair?