Local and European election candidates

[QUOTE=“ttown boy, post: 938672, member: 259”]Kate O’ Connell in Rathgar is about 300 times sexier than any of these no-marks. F*cking keyboard warrior roaster philistines.
Google her yourself, she’s a Fine Gael.[/QUOTE]

Get up the yard you sick kilkenny cunt. She looks like niles wife mel from frasier

Did we ever see Niles wife in Frasier?

Mel: yes
Daphne: yes
Maris: no

I thought that was actually the married name of another Kate we worked with in Stokes Kennedy Crowley. Thought she looked familiar and had a similar mature demeanour with a hairstyle appropriate for a women 20 years her senior.


This one is running for Fine Gael in the South City whatever its called area.


I thought similar.


I thought similar.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 938721, member: 332”]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDFHbmhNSk3MnZ2m-kx0T_xnIIUzVh-Ue-u1Ctstdy9rRDC8RP7w

This one is running for Fine Gael in the South City whatever its called area.[/QUOTE]
She looks like a scrawny sophie ellis bextor

[QUOTE=“ttown boy, post: 938672, member: 259”]Kate O’ Connell in Rathgar is about 300 times sexier than any of these no-marks. F*cking keyboard warrior roaster philistines.
Google her yourself, she’s a Fine Gael.[/QUOTE]

God almighty I’d give her number my number one before giving her one almost.

The lovely Kate is a pharmacist and if she weren’t a fucking blue shirt there’d be limitless possibilities for us. Here she is dishing out the suppositories


[QUOTE=“Fagan ODowd, post: 938773, member: 706”]The lovely Kate is a pharmacist and if she weren’t a fucking blue shirt there’d be limitless possibilities for us. Here she is dishing out the suppositories

Bit of sense being thrown about finally.
She gave me a cure for an ear ache in her shop in rathgar recently. First woman in my life that provided the solution rather than the cause.

She has a wonky mouth you’d usually associate with a spastic of some sort.

Lynn Boylan is sexy.

Make sure you get your boylers right… Have a look at janice boylan!

She has a certain something alright

Yeah, the fucking snout off an anteater

There may be a touch of the ‘Aunt Sally’s’ about her but there’s nothing wrong with that.

Ah here, even concorde would be embarassed to have a beak like that. Its a ride youre looking for, not truffles

If I had a vote in the Ireland South constituency, the Green Party’s Grace O’Sullivan would be getting my No1. Apart from the fact that she is still gorgeous and was a national surfing champion in her day, Grace is a proper fucking Eco warrior who was on the Rainbow Warrior when it was sunk by French special forces in 1985. When party leader Eamonn Ryan was mending punctures in Charlemont St, Grace was out in the South Pacific storming nuclear submarines.

Grace is a hero.


[QUOTE=“Fagan ODowd, post: 940743, member: 706”]If I had a vote in the Ireland South constituency, the Green Party’s Grace O’Sullivan would be getting my No1. Apart from the fact that she is still gorgeous and was a national surfing champion in her day, Grace is a proper fucking Eco warrior who was on the Rainbow Warrior when it was sunk by French special forces in 1985. When party leader Eamonn Ryan was mending punctures in Charlemont St, Grace was out in the South Pacific storming nuclear submarines.

Grace is a hero.

She has an appalling record against the French so, with the parliament being in Strasbourg it would be a wasted vote.