Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Siem Reap is worth doing as it’s around the temples in one of the most beautiful settings possible. I’ve only done the half but certainly want to give the full a go. It’s particularly enjoyable to run at present as tourism is down 99% so they are deserted. If you are ever interested in doing the marathon here give me a shout. Vibrant tfk community here. :wink:


Because they the most awkward cutting yokes going?

I’ve had both and the belt is far superior in every way

No. I’m well adapted to it now as lived here since 2014. Do notice it when exercising however.

How’s the calve? Do you think you’ve done damage? They can be very slow to get right

Torn id say. Physio on Monday for assessment. Done it good and proper. Felt like I was shot in leg.

My own fault. Leg was a tad sore on Wednesday. Did not get out for run that day. Still achey on Thursday but did not think anything as was running easy for previous three runs.

Popped after 4 miles. Had to hobble another mile and a half home. Could not set one foot in front of another later that day.

Instead of taking 3 or 4 days off, which I should have, im looking at 4 weeks off id say.


Yeah I tend to bring the phone on the mountains, especially if I’m on my own. I’d stick it in the pocket of the Decathlon trail shorts or into my hydration vest if I’m out for a very long one

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You mad man. In saying that I’d have no problems running in snow for 3 hours or so. I could take rain too. But extreme (to me) heat? No chance.

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Nothing wrong at all with that time mate.

Decathlon is a great job…

Sportsshoes.com too

That’s very very good as a first effort.
Great things are coming

Great time @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy, well able.

Thanks guys.

I have a wheeze in my chest now. Anyone know a dodgy doc who will sign off on an inhaler for me to boost my performance?

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Shins are already flaring up a bit, boys.

I’d say I’m limited to two runs a week max. Probably just one if it’s 10k.

Do you run on the road? Some kind of track/trail might be more forgiving on the legs

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Quad rattling so had to stop. Give it another crack next week.


Slow down on next run and concentrate on foot landing…


I did Boston in 2017 and it was 24 or 25 degrees and sunny. I was drowned in sweat by 10k and cramping at 14 miles. Got through it but it’s too hot for me at that effort level. I don’t mind running in the heat but I’d slow right down if was doing a marathon again in those conditions.


Did a handy 14.5k this morning in 90 minutes. Still building up distance for an attempt at a quicker 10k. Was only a 6ish min per k run so was still going strong at the end which was good for me. Will keep going at easy pace and adding distance before giving it a crack


I’ve done a couple of marathons abroad in the afternoon evening which were 30 degrees starting off, but cooled to mid twenties. Not humid though.
Suncream, loads of it.
Get a white nylon cap with a towelling head band if you can, and put a sponge soaked with cold water under it. Resoak at every opportunity. It makes a huge difference.