Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

No offence mate, but that sounds really boring. :grinning:

Might work for you, but I’m always looking for ways to make it more comfortable.
You surely don’t do long runs without bringing something to eat?

Ive run just under 3 hours on empty.



Take up cycling.

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When your mind is full of zen, it doesnt matter if the stomach is empty.

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That makes you a freak though, (in the nicest possible way), there’s about one in 500 would manage that

I don’t see the harm in discussing nutrition on a long run

This is where you’ve come from.



We used take these in the 1980s. Great gear. Still around I see.


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They work a treat for a good burst of false energy

I’d always have porridge and a banana pre marathon but I think the meal the night before is more important. If I was just doing a long run I’d probably have a banana or bowl of cereal. In the past I would have ran plenty of long runs on empty. Some experts recommend doing long runs on empty because it gets your body used to how you’ll feel after 20 miles in the marathon.


Add these and he’s laughing

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When I’ve done the longer runs lately I’ve had porridge with a chopped banana and nuts about an hour beforehand. I don’t think I’d react well to running on empty, but as you say it’s the meal the night before that is most important. Last week I had a chicken madras and 4 bottles of IPA the night before. They provided plenty of nos the next morning.


An hour? I’d still be digesting at the time … i’m a minimum of 1.5 hours or nothing at all.

Running empty is great - you’ll surprise yourself. My last few runs empty were really poor tho, i’m putting it down to lack of sleep rather than food in my tum tum.

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I always run fasted, and if I’m planning anything under 10 miles I won’t bring anything

But I know from experience that I’ll need something if I’m going over the 20k, I was late to the nutrition party to be honest

You’ve plenty of broken down 40 somethings who’ve never gone over 10k here so it’s understandable they are suffering by mile 8.


In any sport the nutrition the day before is nearly more important than the day of.

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Fail to prepare and all that.

I’m all set for my 6km-7km run tomorrow. Have a bit of rope to tie this lunchbox to my shoulder.


I did 9k there and if I take away the piss stop it was around 48.20.

My average pace is slowly coming down thanks to @Bandage’s advice of running slower and longer.

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Very good advice but could be extended to the day of the match as well. Dinner after half 4 on the day of a late evening match is very risky. You need to be like a farmer grazing at 1 in the afternoon to be sure of no stitch.

Someone else here recently mentioned the dreaded ‘stitch’ as well.

Isn’t that just something that kids get?