Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Does your body not produce them from food? Are you trying to say supplements donā€™t work?

Great runningā€¦ How many sweets have you left?

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the supplements are a con.

in my haste to start an argument on the internet i didnā€™t fully read your post as i was triggered by the 4 letters BCAA

looks like you drew a man doing a jig


So if thatā€™s true youā€™ve gone out of your way to deny me the placebo effect also ā€¦ whatā€™s your problem here that you want to stop me reaching my goals?

add this to your running playlist. itll knock 10 secs off per KM, a real placebo effect

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Iā€™d say you sleep very well at night.

I donā€™t have much appetite to go much further than 8km to be honest. Thereā€™s a nice 8km loop by my house which Iā€™m making use of.

Iā€™m more interested in building a little bit of short distance speed. So Iā€™m working in the area of sprints, multiple 1km runs, 5km runs and 8km runs. Layering in some cycling with that.

Any advice would be appreciated.

do the 8km loop twice?

I could do longer runs than 8km. I just donā€™t think theyā€™re really in line with what Iā€™m trying to achieve.

Saving the full 10 miler for next weekend. I did 11.25km and 13.2km/70 minutes over the last 2 weeks so plan today was to do 80 minutes in building up to 10 miles. But I was happy with 9 miles in the end and will just give the Great Limerick Virtual Run a rattle next weekend. Itā€™s great value: ā‚¬20 to enter plus a ā‚¬1.90 registration fee plus ā‚¬5 postage and packaging for your T-shirt & medal. And ā‚¬5 of that ā‚¬26.90 goes to a charity you can nominate from a list of 10. The rest of the money goes to much needed and respected local promotional, advocacy and tourism bodies such as Limerick Chamber of Commerce, Limerick Tourism and Stab City Walking Tour.


if you want to reach your goals the below is all the supplement you need:

  1. Cement, one cup of.

A lot of people mix coke and water. Just need to be careful itā€™s dilute enough. Too much sugar will kill you on a run. Id look more at water and salt or electrolyte, bit again, mix it weak, and eat

Thatā€™s a great effort. Iā€™m off to Strava to repeat this statement.


Get a bottle of lucozade sport or one of those kinds of drinks, pour half it out and refill with water.


These are delicious, really, some of the nicest sweets Iā€™ve ever had.
Useful for a little pick me up, high carb content as well

Well done @Bandage you continue to boss this

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Popped into the local Holland and Barrett there and theyā€™ve a poor enough selection. But everything they have is laced with caffeine. Picked up a few jelly beans to try them anyway.

Would you have the sweets as youā€™re going out the door or slip 3 or 4 into the flipbelt?

Iā€™ve only ever used the sweets on runs longer than 2 hours. I was out for 3 hours a few weeks back, and I took one at about 80 mins, another at 2 hours, and the final one at about 2 hours 30.

When I did my lockdown mountainy marathon back in October, I was out for 5 hours 20.
I drank I would say about 1.5L of water (I carried 3 x 500 mls and 1 x 250ml). I think I ate about 4/5 sweets and took maybe 3 gels. I attempted a bit of a Snickers on one of the climbs but it just didnā€™t agree with me.

With all of these things, itā€™s trial and error.

Lads would ye cop the fuck on. Ye are making a very simple activity very complicated. Just head out the door and run.