The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

I’ll try and give it a lash if I can find a day that falls right for me


I don’t fancy it at all.

Tried a few intervals at lunch. I think I need a better watch or somewhere like a field to do them properly.

Did 8 x 400m with 90 sec rest (jog at about 6min pace).
Pace was approx 3:40 - 3:55 but it was hard to judge because the watch was slow to adjust to change in pace from jogging to running, so I was about 150m into each rep before I knew how fast I was going and then checking again to see how far I’d gone. It would have been better to just do a lap of a field.

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That’s excellent. You should aim to do these by time rather than pace. Aim for 85-90 secs for 8×400.

I did 12×400 last week and aim was 95secs.

I get you.
Again my basic watch complicates that a bit as I’d end up trying to calculate it in my head.
I’ll get a proper watch in the near future that has settings for intervals.

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This week’s runs:

Tuesday - abandoned after 2.50km.

Today - abandoned after 2.47km.

I haven’t anything in the @Tank.


Great consistency there. That’s what running is all about.

And walked home?

Pick up a garmin. You can programme in the intervals in a minute. Takes all the thinking out of it.

Nothing wrong with that. You got out and did a bit. That’s better than nothing.


Can you set intervals on a vivosport? I have one but have only used it for very basics

I dont know.

What do you mean by a garmin?

Garmin watch.

For transparency, 1000 euro gone to Down Syndrome Ireland in Cork earlier today. @Locke was present at the virtual presentation on our behalf. Request has gone in for the gift matching which will happen in the next few weeks.

@RaymondCrotty is currently exploring passage ways through Dutch and Caribbean bank accounts to get the other money to Cambodia so will update when that’s done.


Revolut ta fuck Crotty

I can verify what @Mac has said above :+1:


The two of ye in cahoots



Did 6 x 400 myself earlier, I’m doing 400m at slow pace as a rest so I’m getting 2 - 2:30 min rests. Legs still heavy after a weights session on Tuesday, so I wasn’t pushing it - 4 decent runs in the 3:45 - 3:55 range, a slow one at the end at 4:06 when I was spent, and a mystifying 4:07 in the middle that may have been a quirk of the watch.

Need to get some proper sprints & shuttles this weekend, hoping to get back playing a bit of ball next week.