Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

There’ll be lads ringing that poor French tutor at all hours after a clatter of drink tonight


That’s just a flyer.

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Praise be!

It had a customs sticker on it 🤷

In awful news, I’ve charged the watch, but it refuses to connect to the suunto app, and hence, presumably, won’t talk to Strava.

@Sidney is giving French lessons??!?

Delete the Sunto App and download it again

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Delete the app and download again

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@bandage :open_mouth:

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Gutsy on the last day of the month when the need was greatest.


Well done. Great time

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Gave it a lash… Hammy got tight around 3k mark, went on till around 3.75 mark and called it… I was on course for around 25.40

You were lifting it last km :muscle:

You remind me of myself on the 5km efforts. Start and finish well but kms 2+3 are the cunt of the thing

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Should be over the 3000 metres of climbing for the month @mac. Up to 5000+ for the year, a fifth of my target for the year boxed off.


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Fantastic effort mate, great photo, you’re looking in tip top shape

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Brilliant stuff :clap:

The 5km restriction has been goosed so I may go for a blended target of height and distance. 5km off the 200kms and just under 3500m elevation right now so might aim for 100km a month distance and somewhere between 10k-15k elevation

Cmon @Bandage, what was the time?

One of your Strava ‘buddies‘ could steal a nice post off the back of this