Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Great stuff @Bandage :clap::clap::clap:

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I was looking at these this morning. The reviews suggest they arenā€™t as good as some others, an are not for training in as they wonā€™t last.
Iā€™m leaning towards hoka one one carbons.

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I think none of them last. I read the Nike ones break down after 300km or so.


The Nike ones are unlikely to give you even 300k,
Saucony have a new carbon plate shoe that is supposedly more durable, Endorphin pro. I have a pair ifEndorphin speed which is the same shoe without the carbon, best shoe Iā€™ve ever run in,
The Hoka Carbon is a terrible shoe in my opinion, I donā€™t feel any benefit at all

Current stable

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What have you done to yourself?

Take a break and go to a physio and get a good rehab/prehab plan. Then go again.

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Physio is booked , he couldnā€™t see me till Monday he is so busyā€¦ All the ā€˜proā€™ runners during lockdown breaking down :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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A pal of mine was telling me five of his friends tried the run a 100 mile challenge in February. They are all crocked and getting physio now.

What are the adidas ones - Boston ?

The orange are Boston, black adidas are Adios5
I adore the Bostonā€™s though they havenā€™t been very well received.

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I like hokas though, I like the cushioning. Iā€™m interested only in s shoe which reduces the shock on my joints, I have no interest in improving my times. What are the endorphins like that way?

Interesting, Iā€™ve lost 8lbs since Christmas. My 10km PB has been falling each week. Took a minute off it this morning without feeling like I was putting in a bigger effort.


Are the Bostonā€™s small fitting

Letā€™s just say he set a 5km PB

To use some professional wrestling lexicon, I wonder if @Thomas_Brady is ā€œplaying possumā€ ahead of uploading a 25:35 5km at around 11.43pm tonight. You just canā€™t relax in TFK intermediate grade.

@caulifloweredneanderthal, for consistency youā€™ll surely give me 25:53. I think running on a smooth surface has saved me some time. I was losing seconds on the bumpy paths & road crossings on the way to and from the park. Itā€™s no coincidence that, aside from being slightly more elevated, the 2nd and 3rd kms on the park route are more gravel type tarmac whereas the 1st, 4th and 5th kms are lovely and smooth. Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s more in me to get back to the halcyon days of 25 minutes for 5km, unless I start using the app that @Juhniallio uses.

St Anneā€™s Park is superb on mornings like today. The mist was lifting and the sun was breaking through. Nice shelter on the avenue with the trees too.


25ā€™53 it is my good man. Iā€™d say if there were two more weeks in the 5km series, youā€™d be going under the magical 25. Am expecting big things from you in the March 10km, but for the moment, sit back knowing you gave it a right rattle

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Fair play, thatā€™s mighty progress,
We were running at the exact same speed this morning :+1::clap:


Paced it great. Fair course with no downhill bias. You will be much lower by end of summer.

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Lovely stuff. Make sure you put me in ahead of @Spidey on alphabetical order.


Youā€™d best change your name to Aandage