Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Fair play, great running. The thoughts of sustaining 5:11/km for even 7km or 8km is daunting for me, I donā€™t know how Iā€™ll get to 10km. But weā€™ll figure it out as we go along hopefully.

I had fallen into doing the same, grim enough Howth Road/Malahide Road 3.4km loop most mornings and was in a bit of rut, plodding away at 6:00/km.

But this challenge has been very enjoyable for me. I know 26 minutes isnā€™t fast or anything, but itā€™s been nice to chip away and improve over the month.

Itā€™s also been inspiring to see lads plan a course and actually climb up to the top of a mountain and/or drive to a starting point where they can run in a straight line with a gale behind them. This has motivated me to get back to St Anneā€™s Park for weekday runs and youā€™d be in great form for the day ahead after running in those surroundings.

Thanks again @caulifloweredneanderthal for organising and well done everybody for taking part. Thanks to my background team led by @fenwaypark for all the advice and encouragement too.


Nah Iā€™m done palā€¦ I probably shouldnā€™t have attempted a run today really. I went for a leisurely family walk around the park there and could feel every incline on the hamstring. Iā€™ll just have to take my last place, dust myself down and go againā€¦ And donā€™t worry, thereā€™s no words or taunts you can fire in my direction that will sting more than being passed out by fat old wans this morning as I walked back the running track this morning a broken man.


Final run to log @caulifloweredneanderthal 30ā€™05

3km added to my PB distance in the month of February and thereafter 3 minutes knocked off the 5k time. Thereā€™s no limit to what you can achieve when you start off a very very low base after sitting on your arse for a year :muscle:


Excellent stuff pal. Thereā€™s no limit to what you can achieve when youā€™re held accountable on the INTERNET as well :wink:

Itā€™s the thought of all the soft likes and ā€˜nice postsā€™ that pushes you through the pain barrier.


Iā€™ve discovered recently that the GPS in Fitbits is awful so you may well be faster than you realise. Do you use Strava?

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Fitbit has a Strava add on but I havenā€™t set it up. Google Fit GPS is clearly bollocks as it has me at 5ā€™00 per km.

Well done on this mornings achievement - the sub 25 is within your grasp. That post, when it happens, will leave having children, beating cancer and Hamish Mc Jockstrap in the haā€™penny place. I love the negativity and cynicism on here as much as the next fella, but itā€™s great to have one genuine thread thatā€™s just lads trying to run a bit faster, and hopefully faster than some random fella on the INTERNET.

Iā€™ve gone out and bettered my previously posted time - but only just. A bit like Martin Brundle or David Coulthard coming out for a hot lap at the end of a qualifying session when the big dogs are out and marginally improving his time, but still finishing 8th.


I went for a lovely run this morning. Half eight or so a lovely 5-6k including a nice bit of malahide castle. Having broken @Bandage and @Thomas_Brady mentally earlier in the week I was under no pressure at all and decided to run it as an easy run in just over 27mins. Finished with a smile on my face as opposed to in a messy heap as of late.
February has been fantastic for me. Back running and way faster than I thought I would go. Iā€™d like to thank all the lads in the intermediate section for making it so enjoyable (except @TheUlteriorMotive the fucking ringer). Role on the 10k in March.


I noticed that myself on a run last weekend. I just carry my phone now in my hand to track my time instead. Youā€™d expect the Fitbit versa 2 to be better at tracking distance than it actually is.

Garmin have brilliant GPS, only let me down once ever

Youā€™re taking a big chance recording with the phone GPS, itā€™s completely unreliable whether you use it for Strava, mapmyrun or anything else


If you use Strava, go into the mobile site and in your run on the top right youā€™ll have options like this. Click on ā€˜Distance (?)ā€™ and then on ā€˜Correct Distanceā€™ like below

I went out with Mrs Mac earlier and she was using a Garmin. After a part of the route where my Fitbit regularly loses GPS she was tracking about 100-150m ahead of me. I stopped when my watch hit 5k which was about 150m up the road from where her watch gave her 5km.

Iā€™m gonna switch back to Garmin anyway as the lack of a target pace option is annoying me.


This is a marathon, not a sprint pal. I have you exactly where I want youā€¦

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Go Garmin or go home. Youā€™d only be codding yourself with the phone.

Great going everyone. Iā€™ll be finishing off the month with a few beers tonight. Iā€™ll get the full results up sometime tomorrow.


What was decided for next month chaps?

10km individual challenge pal.

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5.11 per km is a decent clip mate. Donā€™t knock it.

Ya, well done again, highlight for me was @Biff_Eganā€™s ballsy efforts and his slow push to run 5k non stop, @Bandage with a PR on the last day was glorious.

I wonder is there anything we can do to get a few new runners on board? Thereā€™s not many lads would have a valid excuse not to be able to run 5k

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Iā€™d have thought @Funtime would get involved but itā€™s possible heā€™s wearing an ankle tag at this moment and canā€™t leave a very small area around his house.