Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

If Iā€™m going for a run on the roads, all Iā€™m bringing additional to the clothes and shoes on me is a frontdoor key and a watch.

Lads buying a pro athlete watch to jog around the block :woozy_face:


Around the park.

Just get a regular garmin and one of the belts for your phone.

You can then use your phone to pay for the croissants on the way home


I wish you well on your endeavours.

He can use the watch to pay for the croissants


How many croissants would you get for a watch? Asking for a friend.


Heā€™ll smear chocolate all over the face of the watch then and wonā€™t be able to see the distance and weā€™ll get more tall tales about not being able to knock off the timer

You get what you pay for.

I spent 250ish for my watch in 2015. Theyā€™re over 400 now from Garmin. Itā€™s bulletproof and has done every cycle and run since. Iā€™ll get another 5 years out of it I reckon

Lots of lads out taking pot shots at @Bandage.
I think his final day performance in February, coupled with the marginal gains heā€™s introducing for March through new accessories, has rattled a few cages

Itā€™s great to have the heat taken off meā€¦

Bandage is a cunt.

Thereā€™s definitely more improvement in me. I used to have two pairs of running shorts with zipped pockets. You could really open up your legs and express yourself, safe in the knowledge your belongings were safe. But the balls became ripped in both of them due to chafing.

So Iā€™ve been running in zipless running shorts lately and itā€™s quite stressful. Iā€™d usually have keys, phone, mask (needed for post run coffee stop, no croissants or pastries in a month) and Revolut card (because I fear Apple Pay wonā€™t work on my phone). I do accept that the latter fear is like an old colleague that didnā€™t trust Microsoft Excel to add data in spreadsheets accurately and would do the sums on the calculator too.

Every now and again, Iā€™d need to pat the pockets mid-stride to make sure nothingā€™s fallen out and you lose your rhythm. It actually makes my remarkable 25:53 for 5km last weekend even more stunning.


An ungrateful cunt at that.

Iā€™ll be jogging around Pontinā€™s with my Garmin on my wrist later this year.

Fuck you.


So to sum up, @caulifloweredneanderthal which device did we decide Iā€™d go for?

@Bandage I have a vĆ­voactive 3 (correctly using a ā€œĆ­ā€ with a fada, or accent as our continental cousins would call it, shows how I have bought into the brand).

You can link the watch to your Spotify account but you need to actually download whatever podcasts or songs you want to listen to to the watch. You do this via the watch itself, so the interface is kind of limited and itā€™s a bit of a pain to do if you want to keep fresh content on your device. If on the other hand you just want to put the one album on the watch and always listen to that, you will be laughing. Iā€™ve no idea what your musical tastes are but I suspect the aptly titled Wolfmother by Wolfmother will help you to open your legs and really express yourself.

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This is the watch I have too @Bandage and itā€™s very good. You can put your revolut card on it too and pay for goods in shops with the tap and pay feature which works well on it.


Iā€™ll be robbing your house while you do

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My flipbelt just arrived. I might take it out for a test run before my 11am zoom call.

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I went for a run this morning. 6k. Slow as fuck. My legs felt dead. And the side park gates were locked for some reason. I guess itā€™ll do me some good though.