Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge


Pastries post run.

Wait until the running shorts discussion kicks off

Shoes, a polyester (or technical) top if youā€™re doing a long run or itā€™s raining,
The rest is gravy, they make things a little bit more comfortable, but you need to have decent shoes if youā€™re running longer distances

@Locke throw me into Junior there.

Iā€™m building my way up but Iā€™ll get a 10km in by the end of the month.


Count me in

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Can I link to buy the flip belt please. From an irish based organically sourced dolphin friendly company preferably. Or a very cheap one.


we should be eligible for a TFK discount code at this stage @Bandage?


Iā€™m saving up for a house with an island. This place is throwing more products at me than buzzfeed article.

is there a free TFK technical T shirt for early sign up for the March Comp?

@Locke ??

Can I go intermediate?
Iā€™ll be struggling to get a fast 10km done this month as I come back from injury.

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Iā€™ll be dropping down a level too I reckon. Iā€™ve only ever ran timed 10k twice, once last week and once in October. Neither under an hour. I dont know how quick Iā€™ll go but I cant see myself doing it in under 52 minutes. Iā€™ll go for it, but I think this will be more of a Derby County 2008 attempt than my Everton 1994 attempt in the 5K

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Lot of lads want a piece of Thomas Brady it seemsā€¦ Fuck em, Iā€™ll sort em.

be handy enough to get, seeing as youre falling apart

if lads donā€™t have a whoop strap and subscription going into this 10k they are only codding themselves

add it to the list,

I have consulted with @Rocko and he told me to go and fuck myself. So Iā€™m going to go with a no on that one.

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No fuckin way chief. You is quick and have to stay Senior.

Le Fin

The Committee


Strong leadership when itā€™s needed.

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Youā€™ll do fine mate. Just go out and do your best. Iā€™d doubt Iā€™ll get under 52 either, Iā€™ll be around the 55 mark Iā€™d say. No shame.

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Yeah will just give it a lash and see how it goes.

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