Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Iā€™ll be doing 12/13km on Sunday Iā€™d say but itā€™ll take me nearly two hours to do, going by the route selected


You never, never, wait at traffic lights, just do up the road a bit and cross when itā€™s safe before doubling back on yourself


Am I to log your 10km time @Bandage?

Weā€™re gonna start needing photographic evidence

You donā€™t kick all your teams points in a county final without a bit about you.

The legs feed the wolf.

Youā€™re going to have to go over 5km at some stageā€¦

I did 7 recently fucko.

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How many attempts will ye be doing this time around lads?

I think Iā€™ll try and get a mid-month one in (around Paddyā€™s Day) and then one just before the deadline.

I did two road runs this week, which is enough for me any week.

Yes, stick me down for 56:31 please. Itā€™s like the 5km. Nice to beat the general target early on, 58:00 in this case, and then have another 2 or 3 attempts to reduce the time over the course of the month.

With the longer distance, I ran in parts of St Anneā€™s Park Iā€™d never ran in before. Thereā€™s a lot of undulations in the corner section by James Larkin Road that takes you down to the coast and then back uphill in Raheny direction. That was around 3.5km to 5.5km so I was slow enough there.

I got comfortable again back on familiar main avenue and rose garden territory before finishing in Killester village for coffee. Looking at splits, I was 28:25 for the first 5km and 28:06 for the last 5km so I should be able to improve on it.

Especially if I cut out that hilly segment and find a different part of the park to run in. I was actually thinking I could literally run down the Howth Road from Killester to Fairview Park for my last 2.5km or 3km if I was desperate for a time. Itā€™s literally like running down a huge hill in Cork.


@Bandage is like a dour stayer that has been running in 2m hurdles up to now.

He has come into his own over the longer distances, and has a lovely handicap mark to exploit.


in 2 3.5k runs :smiley:


Done! Well done mate. Out on your own leading the Intermediate B section.

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I think thatā€™s horsey talk. I thinkā€¦

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Bandage sits on dead horses


thanks lockie, the only reason i ran 10k so early was to figure out exactly where i am re: fitness. if my programme goes according to plan, i should be running around 5.45 per K with no dip.

just requires dogged determination and consistent application.

at least i now have proof of concept!


Albeit with a slope I was doing my 5km pace for the last three kms last night but it was more around the mood I was in, no dinner so nothing in my gut, well hydrated etc etc. Conditions were perfect too. New runners helping also.

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i think my kayanos are on their last legs. id go for the brooks, but then id be @Fran s trainerfwend

so im going to go for these bad boys

I was running on empty this morning, but Iā€™d totally plateaued around the 6.5k mark. Iā€™ll adjust to evening running to make sure thereā€™s something in the tank but also to ensure hydration


Thanks for the update

