Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

7k and a bit there. 38 mins. Felt not too bad at the end though. Definitely could have run more. Very happy.
I was wearing runners, ya weirdos.

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soon youll be well up for a marathon*

*i think theyre called snickers now

My afternoon run was disturbed by the sight of Sindo stalwart Brendan Oā€™Connor 3 (three times). Heā€™s a lot taller and thinner than I imagined. Was walking with a female companion of similar age. My first celebrity sighting since Peter Collins in Gorey

Imagine how poor BreandĆ n feels.
ā€˜That weirdo panting heavily is definitely following usā€¦ā€™

I saw Donnacha Oā€™Callaghan on Sunday. I was on the footpath on the Rochestown Road when I gave way to a child on a pushbike. The Irelandā€™s Fittest Family star gave me a nod of acknowledgment and it for one of three things:

  1. He was pleased I gave way for his daughter on the footpath even though I had the right of way as the pedestrian.
  2. He saw my Dublin Marathon 2019 top on me and thought ā€œfair play to that chap, in my wildest dreams I couldnā€™t complete a marathonā€.
  3. He saw me being active, had finished a marathon, that I am a quazi-middle-aged man and thought ā€œthereā€™s a contender for IFF, does he have older teenage children?ā€

Iā€™d imagine it was option 2.


Brendan is having a right laugh on whatever forum celebrities post on at the weirdo running with the gait of a man wearing the wrong underpants.

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Heā€™s always traipsing up and down that roadā€¦ I take it he lives along that row across from RoCo hotel?

Was @Biff_Egan wearing his Limerick x Christmas crossover jersey?

A no nonsense, look at the clipboard and not at my outfit John Kiely ensemble.

You must have been fucking boiling in that pal.

Itā€™s my interim device carrying object until I get a flip belt.

I expect you to do your 10k race in this @Biff_Egan


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He bought a house there recently and did it up.

What was your time, I donā€™t think youā€™ve said?


What a stupid fucking night to go running by waterā€¦ Fuck me, the wind literally stopped me three times. It was like going the wrong way up an escalator.

Open the fucking gyms

I was doing some intervals earlier in the afternoon and was surprised at how strong the wind was. Pretty wild out there now.

I havenā€™t kept up with all the running merchandise updates in the last week, what are you running the 10km challenge in? A pair of Dubes?

Youā€™ll have the bollocks chafed off you if you donā€™t follow the merchandise updates.

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Weā€™ve a good few tubes of metanium (cc @flattythehurdler) lying around for the young fella so Iā€™m confident my bollocks shall remain pristine.