Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Where you sore pal?

Yerra just a tightness under the right shoulder blade and a tight thigh muscle. More of an irritant than anything else. Iā€™m only an old whingebag.

Could all be lower back kidā€¦

Iā€™ve just spent 20 mins doing this with a hockey ball :laughing:

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Donā€™t have a hockey ball to hand so might improvise with a spud. :grinning:

New 400m running path and outdoor gym at Fernhill is great.


Bit of stiffness in my hip flexors and glute today but feeling fresh otherwise so should be able to another one on Wednesday.

If I could give you some advice, donā€™t wait till Wednesday, if youā€™re at all serious about this try to get out more than twice a week, even if itā€™s 3k before work, anything at all, get used to getting out, take it handy, it stops being hard soon enough

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@Bandage, I found these in my underwear drawer earlier, had completely forgotten about them, bought at the marathon expo in 2019.

RUNDERWEAR, no seams whatsoever, actually very comfortable, Iā€™ll have to reincorporate :grinning:


No run this weekend for me, but plenty of runs.

Have been struck down with some bug or another. 5.5km ran this week, my shortest exercise week in over a year

Got out for a reasonably handy paced 10km there. My body isnā€™t right at all, feels very tense or something. I suspect my legs are over compensating to try to protect the hamstring. Each run feels like I havenā€™t ran in months.

Slow right the hell down. Dont do anything quicker than very slow when nursing a niggle. I should also take my own advice


A miserable 5km today, toughest run in a long time.

Pity party going on in here

I drank too much last night and have to go do a fucking run for a gaa program.

Itā€™ll have to be done.

Have you got out for a run yet? Havenā€™t seen anything on Strava.

Went for 2 miles today. Still very sore.


Iā€™ve signed up for a 3 week IMRA challenge. No idea whatā€™s ahead but Iā€™ll post anything useful up here.

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Ah good stuff. Thatā€™s Paul Tierney and Sarah Mccormackā€™s programme? Two of the best mountain runners to come out of Ireland.

Yep thatā€™s it. No idea what lies ahead but sure Iā€™ll give it a crack. For the sake of a tenner you canā€™t go wrong

:+1: Youā€™re probably an IMRA member now too. Iā€™ve been a member last few years but still havenā€™t made it to a race

Yeah I joined there as part of it. Hope to get to a few races during the summer for the experience as much as anything. Supposed to be very good.